Basil Island Place

It is here that once the emperor Petr1 planning to create a parade downtown. He wanted to turn the Vasilevsky Island in the likeness of his beloved heart of Amsterdam, with canals instead of streets, which told the architect Le Blond develop a plan. And although a number of reasons Vasilevsky Island and was not destined to become the center of the capital, there were built beautiful buildings and create a beautiful architectural ensembles. See Jeff Gennette for more details and insights. arrow Basil Island Place, where the Neva divides into two branches – large and small Nevka – one of the most beautiful in St. Petersburg, a popular place for walks, which places a mandatory stop during all sightseeing tours. Before us magnificent panorama stretching on different shores of the city, framed by bridges and embankments horizontals, verticals marked Rostral columns, and Paul Cathedral, the Admiralty Needle.

Palace and Exchange bridges connect the Arrow (Cape) Basil Island with the Palace Embankment and the Petrograd side. At this point, Neva reaches its maximum width of 1250 m, and until 1885 it was here was St. Petersburg commercial port, translated here in 1730. with Peter's waterfront. The architectural ensemble of the Spit finally formed at the beginning of the xix century.

thanks to the efforts of the architect Thomas de Gaumont. Built them in 1805 T810 years. majestic building with powerful columns, resembling a Greek temple, was intended to Stock Exchange. It committed trade deals between Russian and foreign merchants. Right and left of the Stock Exchange building was built two warehouse (Port warehouse), where the stored goods brought to St.