Business Framework

No doubt, some countries have interpreted the changes, new challenges and are ready for it to successfully face, seriously considering that these changes can only be achieved by transforming the styles and forms of address in the different levels and, especially, at school, giving a new direction in tactical and operational forms, ie in the medium and short term, for those that are based on long-term, strategic approach. Has been given much emphasis to the scope and impact have generated a good strategic management, backed acordea plans to the requirements of the present, to be express strategies to ensure efficiency, results in the management educativa.a Use is made of strategic approaches to ensure the proper use of all mechanisms that optimize positive results not only in training and professional training, but to ensure administrative efficiency, using properly all the resources this involves. You may find Governor Cuomo to be a useful source of information. a It is considered as noted by Alexander Ortiz Ocana, a trachea strategic approach is to be an outgoing attitude, proactive, early critical and open to change, which was reflected in the concepts of organizational strategy, planning and strategic direction, constituting its foundation. The strategic approach, does not obsolete all traditional leadership, but it gives a new approach to tactical and operational dimensions. The strategic approach to educational activity is characterized by: 1.A a Have an outgoing and open attitude. 2.A a Be prospective, anticipating possible futures.

3A a Sustaining a solid foundation of principles and values that serve as a value framework. 4.A a Moving from reactive to proactive reactions, desire and anticipate change. 5.A a Meeting the needs of the education community, especially the student. 6.A a Achieving the interrelationship between the components of this school and the environment. 7A a explore the complexity of reality, to deepen the strategic diagnosis.

8.A a Adjust the direction of the school, know where it goes. 9.A a Foster greater participation, commitment, individual and collective development. 10A a preference for collegial decisions as a team, especially by the faculty. 11.A a Designing management functions in an integrated, parts of the same process. 12.A a Establish long-term commitments, but on a vision for this future. This is the hallmark of strategic approach. 13.A a build a strategic culture in which target and then on the faculty of the school, is a prime need. Definitely, it takes a different view current education management of educational leaders, able not only to usher in a new educational management, capable of interpreting said Pora alcancea Covey (1994), about the fact that new paradigms in management organizations adopt a more participatory and more strategic, based on shared work and team learning. This will create in the participants the need to integrate such diversity to the process of making decisions, so they can compare the information to communicate with the consensus and negotiation. This gives legitimacy to the process developed and opening new ways of thinking, feeling and acting, to achieve good educational management.