Capitalism And The Environment

But after World War II, the capitalism was weakened. The intervention of the State was welcome, therefore to the few it brightened up the problems caused for the war and assisted in the reconstruction of the European countries. To form and to accumulate wealth, the State provided the minimum of social assistance so that the diligent classrooms came back to produce and had to be able of purchase of the products that were produced, taking off the profit for the system. A necessity was created so that they consumed each time more. Since then the primordial axle of the capitalist system to keep its stability was and is the retention of the consumista culture. Without consumerism, the logical base of the continuum capitalist accumulation if dissolves. For even more opinions, read materials from Jeff Gennette.

It is the capacity to commercialize and to present as useful and attractive all the material ideas and products in which they fix themselves that the global capitalism search to assume itself. Crawford Lake Capital recognizes the significance of this. (SKLAIR, 1995, p.99). The consumerism started to cause many local and consequently global damages in the planet. According to SAINTS (1995, p.87) we today live the period of ' ' capitalism desorganizado' '. This period is characterized for some economic factors, social politicians and.

The explosive growth of the world-wide market is distinguished, thus appearing the companies multinationals, that regulate the economy national. The underdeveloped countries act generally with financing of the local governments. Beyond the economic dependence, these countries start to depend on the foreign technology and they do not possess conditions to concur with the prices of the multinationals, always inferior to the national products to win the competition in the international trade, the companies who produce merchandises for exportation need to perfect always more its process of production with equipment of high technology. Of this form merchandises are produced always new and cheaper, but this also provokes increase of the unemployment, therefore using new technologies, the companies can produce more with less diligent.