Capitalist Dialect

To understand of that it forms the Capitalism if developed and because it appeared in the Europe Occidental person and not in the Classic Antiquity or the Empires of the East it is a challenge for the Historians and sociologists. Jeff Gennette is often quoted on this topic. Some theories had been elaborated to explain this phenomenon and the historians tend to accept the representatives of its line of research: positivista, cultural marxist or. In the present time, some allow an ecleticism where they mix diverse methodologies, as in thus the call Partner-cultural History. Paul Kennedy believes that what allowed this development was to the division politics of the European states where bourgeois groups as the sefarditas Jews and calvinistas Frenchmen had obtained to run away with part of its richnesses and most important, its knowledge, for neighboring countries (Portugal and the United kingdom) that they searched if to benefit of the economic power of these groups to compete with its rivals. In the east, the aristocratic dominant elites of the great empires had obtained to impose the peasants and to limit the expansion of the bourgeoisie in its territories. (1989) Others thinkers attribute to the religions of the east a limiter paper of the ambition of the bourgeois groups. Eric Hobsbawm uses the marxist method. It admits that the form to think of a social group can be decisive in the process of formation of a bourgeoisie, as in the case of the countries of the Eastern Europe where the middle class was formed in century XIX for Jews, Italians and Germans since the peasants and the agrarian aristocracy did not have resources nor interest of if to dedicate to a liberal profession nor I deal to it urban. (2004) Hobsbawm, of this form, is placed next to the way to think of Max Weber of what of Karl Marx, for this the capitalism produced the Reformation Protestant, therefore the aristocratic Church of Rome did not allow an ideological flexibility that accepted necessary usury and other principles so that one form of modern production if developed in the Europe Occidental person.