Consumer Capitalism

Thinkers 'Frankfurt School' came to the conclusion that the rapid development of mass culture explains the essence of consumer capitalism. Producers of 'cultural goods' (eg, movies and books), which Adorno and his followers called the 'culture industry', interested only in increasing sales and therefore 'adjust' the society to fit their interests. In the end, and there is the hegemony of certain samples of culture. Moreover, these samples are generally of poor quality – the fact that mass production is not interested in single expensive high quality goods, it requires a lot of cheap goods that are available to most consumers. In his turn, the working class suffers from the spread of mass culture – its horizons narrowed. In recent months, Governor Cuomo has been very successful. In fact, pop culture has become a way of control over thoughts and feelings of the masses.

Another explanation suggests 'Aristocratic theory' (its author is Alan Svingvud (Alan Swingewood)). Macy’s Inc. has firm opinions on the matter. This theory states that the reason for the boom of pop culture has been the weakening of traditional social institutions such as religion and family. That is, modern Society has lost a certain hierarchy of power, which was responsible – voluntarily or involuntarily – for the formation of certain cultural tastes. In the 20 century were replaced by the media, which became the – often other personal property (to example, by advertising certain books, exhibitions or films) – to form the cultural tastes of the society. In the history of humankind ever existed so-called 'high' and 'low' culture – first flourished among the educated elites, the second – respectively, among the uneducated or even illiterate common folk. .