Media Advertising

In the case of advertising in the media play the role of specific editions, its frequency and location of the advertisement and its appearance. It is important that the publication of advertising was not disposable. That is why most effective will be advertising in the press, which has a low frequency. Although in this case, the effect of advertising may be short, because dailies are released frequently. That is why it is necessary to publish advertisement were durable. However, in some cases it may be an effective and advertising published in the monthly magazine, or yearbook. In this case, the decisive factor will be the location and appearance of type of advertising. First of all, advertising is desirable to have value-stopper, but if the ads will only be surrounded by the editorial material, it is not necessary.

Generally it is desirable that an ad does not was in the midst of other ads. Do not place specific advertising messages in newspapers and magazines, which reads most people because it's just pointless. This advertisement is simply incomprehensible to almost all readers, and the likelihood that your ad gets to the eyes interested specialists, is small enough. These ads are better placed in specialized publications. The advertisement must take into account the size, color appearance, as well as the content and design. Of course, the big announcement will attract more attention. But a small but well decorated and well-ad can be quite effective. Here, all depends on the skill of the creator of advertising, which aims – to make the ad different from the other, to make him stand out.

For print ads include booklets, leaflets. Dissemination of advertisements of this type should accompanied by a certain type of presentation, although it is possible, and their binding, such as a bulletin board. In this case, anyone interested can get access to information. Your ad should stand out among others, attract attention. Effective way of placing print ads is to place it in vehicles. During travel in taxi, bus or other form of public transport many passengers, if not all, just look out the window or are considering traveling companions. Very rarely they are busy with something can completely occupy their attention. Advertising is placed on a wall or a glass of transport has attracted the attention of virtually all passengers, regardless of whether they are interested in directly Information. And for one fare ads usually read by several times, even if it is not enough attractive appearance. Adverts placed in transport can create a double effect in the morning and evening hours. In the morning, many passengers are not yet fully awake, and therefore strongly absorb information at an unconscious level. In the evening enhancement of perception is associated with fatigue after working hours. It is widely known that the sleepy state of fatigue and increase a person's susceptibility to information.