
Already the Europe at the beginning of century XIX the majority of the European population lived in the field. The land still was the main source of wealth; in meanwhile different of France the Europe already had initiated the industrial process, on the influence of the iluminismo, that looked the modernization of the society. But innumerable factors go to contribute for the revolution as the form of manufacturing production, the use of the energy of the vapor and innovations techniques that originate the maquinismo; magnifying of the ways of communications, with the construction of canals and new pavement systems; magnifying of the consuming markets because of the increase population and of the European colonialismo; existence of capitals proceeding from the colonial commerce, the banks and agriculture; increase of the raw material production, stimulated for new systems of culture and mining. Few industries existed, but the use of the machines demanded the Industrial revolution and the end of the manufacturing production. The liberal thoughts had contributed for the formation of a new French and European society. Therefore he is one set of ideas that the purpose has to assure the individual freedom and the private property. These philosophical ideas had been generated from the sprouting of a new economic society. Thus being, liberalism will be studied from a historical boarding, which does not intend to describe the history of diverse liberalisms, In elapsing of the text it searchs to detach that this ideology was born in the modern society and that throughout its formation and development took different feies in the different countries where penetrated. Becoming a factor of extreme importance in the construction of a society contemporary who searchs ' ' freedom, equality and fraternidade' '.