International ties The

International ties The Montevideo Stock Exchange is a member of the Iberoamerican Federation of Exchanges (IFLA), which brings together the stock markets of Latin America, Spain and Portugal. IFLA’s mission is to foster collaboration among its members, to promote the development and refinement of their respective securities markets and financial instruments in the best interest of all participants of the same. IFLA held twice its annual general meeting in Uruguay, in 1988 and 2008. It is also a member of the ACSDA (America’s Central Securities Depositories Association), a nonprofit organization composed of Deposits and Securities Clearing House of America, based in Lima, Peru. Its establishment was agreed at the first General Assembly held in Lima, Peru, on 10 August 1999.In October 2005 ACSDA Executive Committee met in Punta del Este, simultaneously with the completion of the seminar: “The central tank Settlement Systems and Central Counterparties as relevant organizations in the Securities Markets.”