Jose Antonio Marina

In this way is It would limit the absolute power of individuals or families in the sicav and foster a true collective investment, raison d ‘ etre of these societies. For its part, the Group of inspectors is not supporter of changing his regime, for now. In a financial storm, Spain needs involving the sicav, we cannot afford to go that capital, Francisco de la Torre, spokesman for the professional organization of finance inspectors of the view. After the restoration of heritage tax, there are several voices that have now pointed towards these societies of reduced taxation. One of the first was the candidate Alfredo Perez Rubalcaba, who announced his intention to tighten them a little more.

Wouldn’t be the first twist: in September 2010 the Executive changed the law so that the reduction of capital happen to be regarded as income from capital and tributara as such. Any new measure aimed at increasing taxation of the sicav should be agreed among all the countries of the OECD, in the opinion of the experts, since if not, all the capital in the long run would eventually flee. The capitals, however, are extraordinarily volatile, as reflect the inspectors; Thus, many have already parked the formula of the sicav and have for years betting on other formulas with more legal certainty. The latest fashion: the Luxembourg SIF. They are collective investment institutions of that small country.

They are taxed with a still more reduced rate of 0.01 per cent and are more flexible than its Spanish counterpart: allow to invest in any sector, whether or not quoted on stock exchange. Headquarters 99% of the sicav registered in the market National Securities Commission (CNMV) have their headquarters in Madrid, Barcelona and Boadilla del Monte (Madrid), near the centers of financial power. Bilbao was historically other cities where most of these societies was concentrated: there were more than 200 five years ago, according to the Treasury data. Currently, and after the change in taxation in the Basque country, is barely maintained a sicav in Bilbao. In the spotlight currently 3,100 sicav in Spain, according to the CNMV; of them, at least 2,709 are in the crosshairs of the technicians from the Treasury for less than 150 shareholders and be suspicious that actually constitute a private society that will evade taxes, using figureheads to meet legal quotas. The latest inspections in 2005 at least thus confirmed. The greater sicav in Spain, Morinvest, Koplowitz million belongs to Alicia Koplowitz and manages a heritage approximately 473 million euros, according to the data published in the CNMV. Despite the fact that in their brochure they count up to 105 different shareholders, it warns that there is one that owns 99,98% of shares (document izda.). Minotaur, Medea, Apollo glancing at the list of names of the sicav Spanish can check the taste of the rich by Greek mythology: Pandora, Minotaur, Medea, Electra, Apollo, Aquiles A these unite also names that they drink of popular culture, such as Waldo-Phaldo, Quadrophenia, Jedi, and Isildur, for example. Others, such as Powerpipo, Pipiola, Bizcochero, lazy and jam the latter of the philosopher Jose Antonio Marina squander imagination. Source of the news: Treasury technicians warn of an abuse of the sicav by the great fortunes