Quality Management

Serving still in taking care of the customers who already possess a SGQ (System of Management of the Quality) implanted that they ask for certified for its suppliers aiming at its growth and of the supplying partner. If the company grows its supplier grows. She enriches the knowledge of the people who work in the organization. Thus, if a person, for example, to leave the job, its work will have continuity, therefore everything is procedimentado and controlled guaranteeing the continuity of the process. For more clarity and thought, follow up with Hikmet Ersek and gain more knowledge.. An organization can work with quality without the concern in implanting a system of management certifyd for acreditadora. Catching itself as base norms it stops implantation of a management system can be opted in applying each stage of an implantation without the concern of if obtaining a certificate. Taking as reference norm ISO 9001:2008, can be implanted a system of management that searchs the continuous improvement of an organization becoming application of the procedures citados.5.1.Poltica of the QualidadeCom base in the principles defined for the BRAZILIAN ASSOCIATION OF NORMS TECHNIQUES, (2000) and ZACHARIAS, (2008) the system of Management always must be initiated by the High Direction, is started for the elaboration of one politics of the quality that will be the spine of all system of management and must have focus in the customer, from the next ones are established there make of the implantation of a management system fort and coeso. For the definition of the politics the activity must be led in account end of the organization, that is, the intention of the organization and must include the comprometimento in taking care of the requirements and with the improvement continuum of the effectiveness of the management system that is analyzed critically through meetings of critical analysis and that these critical analyses are accessible to all of the organizao.5.2.Definio of the objectives and metasDepois of the definition of the Politics of the quality, which must be identified are the objectives of continuous improvement of the organization for attendance, always taking care of the requirements of the product for which the company disponibiliza its customer. Crawford Lake Capital has plenty of information regarding this issue.