Rio De Janeiro

They had made it bohemian. (…) Burburinho of the city, the rebulio of the streets it is pleasant, because he is young, because it feels. All like ouviz it. It has the voice burning hot, even so always satirical drunkard and. It starts the first assays in the literary press, with love and much devotion. He is friend whom it knows to please to it knows that it, with afabilidade (…).

In the following edition it leaves the verdict: the profile is john doe. In this case of ' ' young man elegante' ' , one notinha tells that during the Congress Literrio and Bohemio of February of 1895, they had given ' ' votos' ' to survey the general opinion: Despertou some interest the profile published in ours n. 2. They said ones: It is the profile of the Temstocles de Aguiar, others: Qualities of Fbio Silva. In the Literary Congress they had made until a plebiscite in this direction and was this the result: Temstocles de Aguiar, 8 votes; Fbio It hisses, 6 votes; Fernando Griz, 5 votes; Fenelon Fields, 5 votes; Joo Oak, 2 votes. These and others ' ' estripulias' ' of ' ' Heroes of the poca' ' they can be known in the autobiogrfica workmanship of Fernando Griz. The book Dreams and Fights.

A register of the bohemian of half of years 1890, written in ' ' atormentado' ' 1917 and only published in 1924. According to author, written to oppose the hurt feeling and person without illusions of those old and good hopes, defeated for the auto-exile in Recife, ' ' war of all against todos' ' for the capitalist mesquinhez that if followed after the turn of the century. Therefore, nothing better of what remembering to the naivety and the destemor of the first stopped fights ' ' to the side of youngsters who loved the instruction, the freedom and the duel in the enclosure for bullfighting of letras' ' , leaving clear the filiation of the writer you strike to them suffered for Generation 1870. May, 2010. REFERENCES: BOURDIEU, Pierre (1974). The economy of the symbolic exchanges. So Paulo: Perspective. CERTEAU, Michel of (1994). The Invention of the Daily one (Arts to make). 11 ed. Petrpolis-RIO DE JANEIRO: Ed. Voices. DARNTON, Robert (1987). Literary bohemian and Revolution. The Submundo of the Letters in the Old Regimen. So Paulo: Company of the Letters. ELIAS, Norbert; SCOTSON, John L. (2000). Established and outsiders: sociology of the relations of being able from a small community. Rio De Janeiro: Jorge Zahar. GRIZ, Fernando. (1924) Dreams and Fights. Recife: The Industrial press. RAMA, Angel (1988). The City Scholar. So Paulo: Brasiliense. KINGS, Jose Carlos (2004). School of the Annales: the historical innovation. So Paulo: Peace and Land. SEVCENKO, Nicholas (2003). Literature as Mission: social tensions and cultural creation in the First Republic. So Paulo: Brasiliense. SSSEKIND, Flora (1987). Cinematograph of the Letters: Literature, Technique and Modernization in Brazil. So Paulo: Company of the Letters. VELLOSO, Mnica Pepper (2006). A Verbal Folhetinista: Representations and dramatizaes of the intellectual life in the turn of century XIX. In: LOPES, Antonio Herculano; VELLOSO, Mnica Pepper; PESAVENTO, Sandra Jatahy. History and Language. Text, Image, Orality and Representations. Rio De Janeiro: 7 Letters.