The End

The teacher replied with a parable: descended a man from Jerusalem to Jericho, and fell into the hands of robbers, who stripped him and beat, retreated, leaving him half dead. 31 Descended for the same way a priest; and, seeing him, he spent long. 32 Likewise a Levite came to that place, and, seeing the poor man, also went long.33 But a Samaritan, who was on his trip, came to his side, and staring, filled with infinite compassion; 34, approaching, he healed the wounds, with oil and wine and put them bandages; then he climbed on an animal of his property, brought him to an Inn and took care of it. 35 The following day, before leaving, he took out two Denarii (ancient Roman coin), and gave them to the owner of the lodge and said to him: take good care of this wounded man, and if you spend more, I pay it is when you return.36 As well, asked Jesus to the man of law, which of the three you think it was the neighbor of one who fell into the hands of the robbers? 37. To what the doctor of the law answered him: which clearly had compassion on him. Then calmly Jesus said you: because it looks and get you the same thing. To re-read this parable, meditate, deeply with the cheerful soul, on the most beautiful lesson of Christ ecumenical, one who is willing to help to any needed in their affliction, and it stimulated me the value of solidarity, and I decided wholeheartedly, even adolescent, to participate in this divine work (Legion of good will) without ever dropping out of it.

In the end, we learn with Jesus to persist until the end: with your perseverance, salvareis your souls (Jesus’s Gospel according to St. Luke, 21: 19). In addition, of goodwill, be tenacious in the way of the Lord means to develop beyond the so-called human end, because life continues, because the dead don’t die.