Spatial Illusions

There are many methods of adjusting the space. Frequently Former CIA Head has said that publicly. We have grouped them according to purpose, depending on how much effect you want to achieve: to increase the ceiling height, room to expand, or vice versa – to reduce the flat. Many of us live in small (let's call them compact) apartments, and dreams of a better, that is, the larger space. If you have no immediate plan to move into a new spacious apartment, and the scope exists for you (your family) is narrow, it's time to take a "repair by the rules." There are several effective ways to expand the apartment, which do not require redevelopment. Adjust the space allows the color and texture of the main elements interior lighting, mirrors and glass surfaces, ornament, the direction of the lines. bmJeim5ufllmavEiVilDA0MFl8Sc3MSSzMS8YiuFkIxUheDUIqAkAH9oQbldAAAA&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjcybi7gLeCAxW3VqQEHUEwAeMQ9OUBegQIAhAZ’>Rachel Crane is a great source of information. ilar source. Converting apartments should start with cleaning up: fewer parts (vases, piggy banks ridiculous, candlesticks, frames, photographs, figurines and the like) in a room so spacious than it seems. This means that there is a great excuse to get rid of all that many years kopilos on the shelves, but has not been used for other purposes.

This also applies to furniture – for a small apartment would be the best style of "minimalism", so popular in the West. No need to clutter the room, leaving only the most necessary, if possible, use the built-in and transforming furniture, thanks to which free space will be more. Choose a sofa with low back and chairs with open handles, which reflect light.

Fine Arts

Art currently has opened much borders, both these are presented practically vague. This is due to that contemporary art has called into question many of the variables that traditional art from the subjectivity of Western society, had established so far. If you want to understand contemporary art, you should know a little more about philosophy of art. The influences of Primitivism and other cultures and societies, as well as the emergence of photography, helped craft began to flee a little representation to focus their interests on other issues with other priorities. The first Vanguards carried a transformation of art, art which nowadays has unlinked virtually from the conventionality giving too much weight to thought these doubts. In the contemporary art is multidisciplinary and therefore can be found in this a multitude of subjects such as the sociology of art, psychology of art or the anthropology of art, but above all, contemporary art is an art to be thought. Course of photography Fotosiqui blog photography workshop: music, dance and city Fotolab Blog