Stephen Neill

The model adopted for Pablo stops to initiate a new work in definitive place, and that he was positive, was to start a local assembly, congregating a group of people friends, sympathetical, questionadora of the truths of the Law of Moiss, as York explains well, (2002, p.82): ' ' … It and its associates joined facts, made contacts, presented evangelho, agglutinated and taught converted the e, when the assembly was ripened, they sent its proper workers for the harvest field. … ' '. It is truth that had of if waiting a time for the matureness of a local leadership, similar of that this could assume the conduction of the Church from determined moment. York (2002, p.110) apud Stephen Neill summarizes ' ' As soon as a Church established roots under the direction of its leads places, Pablo was felt exempts to continue in direction to a bigger fulfilment of the plan of Christ: of that all the heathen ones listened to the Word Mr. ' '.

Pablo continued then for another place, understanding that its objective had been reached, being with concern to make posterior visits to see the growth of the workmanship and only to firm in the word those that had been safe. The evangelista, doctor and researcher Lucas (Lc 1.1-4; CL 4.14; 2 Tm 4,11) registers with sufficient property the evolution of the growth of the primitive church, of a form very commanded in the book of Acts (2.41; 4.4; 4.32; 5.14; 6.1, 2,7; 8.6; 12.24). ahead of such fact, appears an inevitable question: where the church if congregated? Cairns (1995, p.67), assists in them to answer of the following form: ' ' … The primitive Christians do not conceive the church as a cult place as if he makes today. Church meant a body of people in a personal relation with Christ. For in such a way, the Christians if congregated in the houses (At 12.12; Rm 16,5, 23; CL 4.15; Fm 1-4), in the temple (At 5,12), in the public audiences of schools (At 19,9) and in the synagogues until when they had been allowed (At 14,1, 3; 18.4).