The Environment

The concept of organizacional climate involves ampler and flexible picture of the ambient influence on the motivation. ‘ ‘ The organizacional climate it is the quality or property of the organizacional environment that is perceived or tried for the members of the organization and influences its comportamento’ ‘ (FLEURY; FISCHER, 1989, P. 108).

The organizacional climate mentions the existing internal environment to it enters the members of the organization and closely is related with the degree of motivation of its participants (FLEURY; FISCHER, 1989, p.108). Thus, the organizacional climate is favorable when it provides satisfaction of the personal necessities of the participants and rise of the favorable moral and when it provides the frustration of those necessities. The people continuously are engaged in the process of adjustment to a variety of situations in the direction to satisfy its necessities and to keep certain individual balance. Such adjustment does not restrict only the satisfaction of the physiological necessities and security, the calls vegetative necessities, but it also involves the satisfaction of the social necessities, esteem and auto-accomplishment, calls superior necessities. Climate organizacional can to be translated for what the people they costumam to call work environment or psychological atmosphere, that involves the relation between company and collaborators, brings in the human climate of the organizations. 2,1 MANAGEMENT OF CLIMATE ORGANIZACIONAL According to Altmann (2000, P. 64), the companies who implement programs of monitorao of the organizacional climate, are adopting an important managemental tool that adequately managed can offer the following benefits: bigger envolvement of the employees with regard to its environment of work, this envolvement if reflects in bigger satisfaction, reduction of absences and improvement of performance; the research of climate, carried through in predetermined dates, allows to the manifestation of the employees on the work environment, favoring the intraorganizacional communication and the suppliment of information to the managemental body; comparison chance enters the characteristics of the environment of work of organization with the one of other organizations; pro-activity of the management, anticipating and solving relative problems to the employees and or of the environment of work, preventing the sprouting of critical situations that normally influence negative the normal flow of activity of the teams.