The Vision

Everything what it does not serve for the society and/or that he is used for destruction is entropy. In this direction crime produced for the society is entropy, as well as the public politics of combat to the crime that fail can be considered as entropy, therefore is an expense of energy without return. It will not be with a specific scientific knowledge that will be decided problem. Cartesian knowing cannot be discarded, but it has that if to join the vision to interdisciplinar, globalizada, holistic, so that together they can form solutions for these problems each time more complex than they afflict the society. 4. CONCLUSION Today, with, the necessity of resetting of the knowledge and a new form to treat and to express this knowledge searchs it theory of the complex systems. The theory of the complex systems is a methodology that more works with the interdisciplinaridade for the solution of complicated problems each time, fruits in the way of capitalist production. Without discarding the old vision, it treats the problem by means of sistmicas categories.

One of the forms to express its language is the metalanguage, what it facilitates the communication you discipline between them involved. This new method of looking at the problems is more including, therefore the reality visualizes all that in the fence. It is the globalizada, holistic vision, to interdisciplinar, without discarding the unilateral, cartesian Newtonian knowledge that it promoted the development to long of the centuries. Each time is a new attempt to search solutions for the problems more complex than they emerge in this way of capitalist production, caused for its instability, fidgets, searchs incessant of profits, interests maximizadores and the opposites between the classrooms of capitalists and workers. Thus we have this abstract way to study problems that the vision of the interrelation between the studied things allows. From there the importance of the boarding to interdisciplinar for the study of complex problems.