Warren Buffett organizes a festival each year

The second or third richest man in the world, Warren Buffettorganizes a festival each year to shareholders of his company,Berkshire Hathaway, based in Omaha, Nebraska.

During thesemeetings, with his companion for many years, Charlie Munger, oftenresponding to questions from shareholders on its investment philosophyand life. This year we were six hours in front of 27,000 people.

Additionally,in the annual report of his company, writes in some detail a letter toshareholders giving their views on the markets, on the state of theworld and on its investment philosophy.

Both the event live astheir letters to shareholders are very popular for many people,shareholders and not theirs, because many people want to learn how thisperson became more or less humble could become the second or thirdrichest man in the planet.

As each share is worth more than