Wedding Guestbook

A fixed idea, idea on the way to the independence our own wedding approached, and the todo list was shorter. How many thoughts and how long had we been in the planning of the best day of our lives? It was certainly more than one can imagine, but it should all be perfect. So many people had supported us, advised and accompanied on the way to our big day. Everything seemed perfect, until we arrived at the point of “Guestbook”. We browsed in several retail stores and searched the Internet for a matching guestbook.

The disenchantment was larger with continuing intensive search from day to day. However, it might not be that there nothing there, what would be like, how we imagined it. But exactly this fear turned out than the reality. We make myself one!” “How? Let’s even one?”was that baff surprised reaction of my future. We bought us a boring white guestbook, took our favorite fabric and just this book with the fabric. On the fabric appliqued we a great sticker with our both names and the date of our wedding and created what we would have otherwise never get.

The positive response to the book has been very positive in advance of the wedding. Many of my friends and acquaintances were impressed by the design and the idea ever and me talked to, if I not either wanted help for themselves or for friends or friends of friends in the design and manufacture of a book. As I found more and more fun on the design of this very personal guestbooks, a quite wide range of different designs, then immediately led me more time to devote to something the whole was very soon. Processing the guestbooks was difficult in the early days as a right, but I wanted to not discourage me because I was completely convinced of my idea. More and more, I made the manufacture and have today reached a qualitatively proper status. Now It seemed at the time to make this very beautiful books of a wider public. What I initially published for convenience on a shop-in-shop page, ended last year with my own online shop, in which these wedding guest books occupy a large space. What at the time was born out of necessity, today stands as a wonderful way of creating and living out my creativity at the heart of my professional life. Daniela dunker