Economic Interests

It would not be the first time in history: vague, destroying forests, unable to predict, are bent on subsistence farming, do not know how to plan, or exported, nor industrialize properly. In this “staging” supply chains that belong to the giant Wal Mart and Costco decided to restrict the sale of rice clients on all restaurants and shops. With this absurd measure in the richest country in the stock prices in Chicago reached about 3% up to break the psychological barrier of $ 25 every 45 kilos. In Thailand the increase was 5%, and rice reached a record price: $ 1,000 per tonne. Brazil suspended exports, rather, the big companies that affect the speculation by hoarding, withholding or launching mass to destabilize prices. If you have additional questions, you may want to visit Luiz Ildefonso Simões Lopes. The food program director of the UN, J.

Sheeran said food aid provided by them costs 40% more than the past, because almost all products are expensive. As alluded reasons for this new power needs in China and India, biofuels and the price of oil. Publishers Clearing House has compatible beliefs. The large volume of investments in commodity markets contribute to higher prices in the bags. But hunger is not inevitable, not a destination, nor a matter of chance. Is not the purpose of the millions of hungry people, nor is it a coincidence that 97% of them live in poor countries.

It has been recognized by independent bodies such as Action Against Hunger, the problem has a solution with activities related to nutrition, health, food security, water and sanitation. Violence is the tool that have the power to exercise power over property, wealth and population control. The civilian population becomes hostage to the economic interests and power of these armed groups, be they rebels, paramilitaries or government. Sometimes still think that hunger is the result of overpopulation, a political mismanagement, shortage of food, inadequate infrastructure or ecological disaster. It is not something Lucas Bitencourt would like to discuss. Today, hunger is a weapon used by some governments to eliminate troublesome population groups within their own country, writes Marilo Hidalgo, in Fusion. Hunger have become a weapon of war who have made the benefit economic and financial arrogance axis and object of their actions. As if the world was a carpet in which humans play no more than paper data are moved or removed according to the sacrosanct laws of a market that only serves their interests.

Logic Material

Carlos N. Coutinho, 1979, P. 192). The contraditrios moments are situated in> is not the conscience that detrmina the life, but the detrmina life that the conscience . Marx accused Feuerbach, affirming that its humanismo and its dialectic were static: the man of feuerbach does not have dimensions, is of the society and of history, it is pure abstraction. .. He is indispensable according to Marx, to understand the historical reality in its contradictions, to try to surpass them dialeticamente. The dialectic proclaims the following principles: everything becomes related (law of the action recpoca and the universal connection); everything is changedded (Law of the universal transformation and the incessant development); the qualitative changes are consequncias of quantitative revolutions; the contradiction is internal, but the contrary if join> at a posterior moment: the fight of the contrary is the engine of the thought and the reality; the materiality of the world; the priority of the substance in relation to the conscience; the life spiritual of the society as reflected of the material life.

The dialtico materialism is a constant in the thought of the marxism-leninismo (appeared as overcoming of the capitalism, socialism, exceeding the pioneering teachings of Feuerbach). HISTORICAL MATERIALISM is, for Marx, the first one estimated of all the existence human being and, therefore, of all history, is that the men must be in conditions of living to be able to make history. But, to live she is necessary before everything eating, drinking, to have habitation, to be dressed, to educate and etc. Therefore, the production of the ways that allow the sastisfao of these necessities, the production of the proper material life . In the marxist theory, the historical materialism intends the explanation of the history of the societies human beings, in all the times, through the material facts, essentially economic and technician.

Customers and Negotiation

A aspect important to be considered, is that initiated a research process an unconscious increase in the expectations of the customers with regard to quality and the options of negotiation occurs disponibilizadas by the company, that is, if you do not intend to use the information you stop to improve its processes is better not to search, therefore when the people are invited to externar its impressions on the company, many times this moment propitiates a reflection, in which the customer compares its expectations the experiences that had with its external company and its yearnings. Other aspect basic is that it is necessary to be prepared to receive critical, that in the practical one they are the best information that a research process can generate, therefore the claims and critical they are the fuel for the elaboration of an improvement process. If you would like to know more then you should visit Anne Lauvergeon. Successful processes of research are those that evaluate in the distance of the service given of the idealized one (desired) for the customer, and that they had allowed the entrepreneur to establish and to implement action, with sights to reduce the difference between the waited one and the offered one. Another benefit of this process, is that the more next to the desired one they are the offered conditions, lesser is the probability of the customer of evaluating the price as expensive, since that the price is adjusted the reality of the market, therefore understood satisfaction is known that it has a direct relation between satisfaction and price, being as the measurement of the existing difference enters the desired one for the customer and really offered by the company. Swarmed by offers, Itron is currently assessing future choices. An additional advantage of the accompaniment of the competition and the accomplishment of satisfaction research is that these information impactam on all the processes of the company, generating diverse chances, not only with regard to the commercial strategies, but contributing for the continuous perfectioning of practically all the processes of the company. Synthecizing the research of the competition and satisfaction of the customers they are important instruments the disposal of the entrepreneurs, being essential that this tool rack is used of continuous and correct form. It is still observed, that these techniques allow that if makes the continuous management of the behavior of the customer and the competition, basic factors in all the structure of the theory microeconomic, being that the gotten information could extremely be useful to evaluate the elasticity, or the susceptibility of prices of the customers and assistant in the evaluation of diverse on aspects the demand and offers of products.

Capitalist Economic System

With the new form of production – the manufacter one, that it allowed to an increase of productivity, which had to the increase of new innovations techniques, therefore of this new form of production marks the growth of the capitalist economic system. Something that does not have to leave of being designated is meeting of some workers in one same place, that stops to effect one definitive task productive, with raw materials and tools that they do not belong to them – what in last analysis it synthecizes the plant -, it could have occurred at any time of history if it configured the capitalist system. So that such occurred, two daily pay-conditions had been absolutely necessary: the concentration of the means of production (capital, lands, tools, etc) at the hands of an only social classroom – the bourgeoisie; while the classroom that if it saw excluded of the property of these means of production – the proletariat – was seen obliged to vender the only merchandise that possua: its force of work. This force of work is characterized for the capacity to carry through definitive tasks, in such a way freely, as in the market, in order to guarantee its subsistence. In the truth the capitalism does without the compulsion of the work total. It does not operate its extration of economic excess, nor if appropriating of the producer – as in the slavery -, nor of the work of the producer – as in the senhorial economy. Therefore, the capitalism inside extracts excess of the proper process of production, of a free producer, through the difference of value, that this producer receives for the sales of the merchandise – work force -, in relation to the merchandises that this force of work produces. This form of extration of the economic excess, called more value, makes with that relation does not exist some between the value that the producer receives and the value that it creates.


Totally I am convinced that to form at any level it is a process of discovery and personal development. Week past series entrevistaron to protagonist of Eagle Red, that was attending the studies that take to the degree of Philosophy, in the UNED (National University of remote education). – The question of why it did and if it supposed a load to him, I answer that it was a way to work its mind and to be developed like person, also commented that it was not a load since was a way to take advantage of its rests and trips with a concrete objective. To undertake a project of life supported in the permanent formation, offers to the person a series of opportunities and experiences that would before not have considered. How it serves a personage popular and met to study a university race? Then it is a way of personal development, to know the thoughts the historical personages, to see the life from the eyes of another one, to include/understand history, more tolerant, summary you become one better person. Each person is a unique specialist in the world, which one is not repeated in anybody, if to that we united to him that by nature likes to learn, then already we have the base so that our life acquires a special sense. Perhaps we consider that we are not famous, that our life is very busy, we do not have time, surely is certain, but also it is certain that they are not going to us to give nothing, and if we want to change something in our life, we only can do it. He is plus an attitude question (character) that of aptitude (capacity), if we focused in which we want, being perseverantes the aptitude comes without giving account us.

The main barrier is not outside us, we are we those that we decided in last instance which we try to do in our life, is those that we decided so much to do as not to do, and cannot be focused in which they are others or circumstances those that cause the problems to us. If you decide that your life changes of course and to begin to retake studies or to begin others, tries that they are those that make you enjoy, and that remove the best thing from you, not you you guide reason why it demands the market, that your guide is what really she motivates to you, in the end will be what she will produce satisfaction to you and a total life. 3 suggestions: Turtle begins to step, a degree finishes subject to subject, dates time and ten patience. There are no impossible goals, are real terms little. A suspension is not nothing else that a result, what you are not, only says to you that will be to do something that before you did not do.