
Emmanuel Levinas in its workmanship Totality and the infinite, goes to open the quarrel of that the infinite if opposes the totality, of that forms? Totality argued and raised in some moment of philosophy mainly for Hegel is attempt to synthecize all knowledge, although to know that it does not have a truth to be disclosed by complete, since we will not have never this same possibility that this such truth can exist, this type of attempt of synthesis implies in to say that all reality is hugged for conscience, that does not have nothing that is of is, is an interpretation of the meaning of everything. Levinas goes to say not to this synthesis of the universal conscience, and goes to consider a reading for the individualizao of each man ahead of the meaning moral that patrol the society and still goes to say, to arrepiar the hair of most traditional, that the Ethics are the first philosophy, breaking with the totality of all things. Rob Daley is the source for more interesting facts. Affirming that this type of thought does not enclose the individuality of each one in the period where we are born, we grow we die, to diagnosis this process as life is to ahead deny the particularitity of each man of this event, this particular relation does not fit in a synthesis. Thus the Levinas philosopher takes its thought the relations purest of the daily one and directly enters in a on philosophy to the man and its relation with the others. Contact information is here: Tiffany & Co.. But as the ethics he turned first philosophy? The moral is not a layer that has covered the relations, the moral it is disclosed of the viscera of the infinite of the things of the man, the moral composes what already age of law in the man, this moral not limited to the term or labels established for classrooms, is a moral beyond, disclosed, a Metaphysical moral, being the moral the first contact of knowing of the man with the other, finding a first philosophy in the face of other. .

Ferdinand Saussure

A sign is a thing that, beyond the species ingested for the directions, makes to come to the thought, for same itself, any another thing. Saint Augustin As Ferdinand Saussure6 speaks that the linguistic sign and as a currency of two sides this in relation to significant and the meaning that is each one of them has some differences more does not have as to have one meaning without a significant one, now I go to try to show what each one is goes to start with the significant one can be something that you see in the case of the image transit plates and also she can be something that you say or to listening in this in case that if the word has a direction more than, already the meaning you are the concept and what you understand that is what is or what it means. But from the theory of Saussure we can notice that we had you vary other theories as of Hjelmslev7. Considered separately, sign some has significao. All significao of sign is born of a context, wants understands therefore a context of situation or an explicit context, …. It is necessary, thus to abstain to believe that a substantive more loaded of is felt of what a preposition, or that a word is more loaded of significao of what a suffix of derivation or a flexional termination. (HJELMSLEV, 1975, P. 50) Now I go to show that the signs are in all same place are even though in that in chemistries we use very in the Periodic Table, therefore each element that we have in the table has a symbol, or better, a sign that represented for capital letters and very small a good example and the chemical element Copper that has as symbol in the table ' ' Cu' ' this symbol is of the periodic table has another meaning, but inside of the table alone it means the element Copper, it has this sign why it has covered in Latin and Cuprum writing. .

Modern Society

A normal social fact is that one that if finds generalized in the played society important paper in adaptation evolution of this. The crime, for example, is a had social fact as normal, therefore the societies are found in all, integrating the people of the social group through a behavior of moral value that it searchs to punish the wrong behavior. To broaden your perception, visit Areva. The pathological social facts are the ones that are of the limits allowed for the order and the moral of the society, are illnesses that at risk puts the harmony of the group and are seen as transitory and temporary. Durkheim believes that although to exist an individual conscience that of a forms the individuals to think and to interpret the life, inside of the social groups what it prevails is the collective conscience, that is, the set of beliefs and feelings of one same society, being the form of the moral in validity, with this, in society was defined what criminal, immoral and reprovvel, through the collective conscience, for example. The societies from this theory are analyzed as social species, that more evolve of simpler social forms (wild, daily pay-capitalists) the species organization complex (civilized, industrial). Where through the work of classification of the societies, by means of experimental comment it is verified ticket of solidarity mechanics for organic solidarity, being these the engine of of transformation of the societies. The societies with solidarity mechanics are daily pay capitalist, where the individuals are identified through the family, religion and customs, where the social division of the work remains independent and independent, therefore the collective conscience exert to be able coercitive on the individuals. Organic solidarity is capitalist societies with lesser the collective conscience exerting to be able coercitive on the individuals, being existed a division of the social work sped up making with that the individuals become interdependent, guaranteed with this the social cohesion.

Durkheim searched through rigorous an empirical position to make the integration of quantitative analyses (mathematical statistics) qualitative, complemented with comment, mensurao and interpretation to tranfer the philosophical reflection and to constitute one all organized and systematic one of estimated theoreticians and metodolgicos. Finally, Durkheim as man of its time, moved for evolucionistas ideas understands the society as a whole harmonic one, where it must not have contradictions, where the transformations would happen of linear form (going of inferior forms to the superiors) following the adaptation and evolution of the societies, since any form of rupture was seen as a sick or pathological state of the social facts, searched the neutrality scientific, however you criticize must be made its analyses therefore we must understand of for being historical the societies are different for the constitution of its specific historical processes, do not exist society only different superior and inferior cultures, beyond not having scientific neutrality, therefore the man does not obtain to dissociar itself of its subjectivity finally in believing that the social facts are exterior to the individuals leaving these only in contemplativo and passive state in the life in society, taking off with this, its character of historical citizen that conditions and is conditional for the facts intervined in its daily process of living, being with this transforming one and transformed for the social facts.

The Social

This model of production distorts the social relations, making with that all they are always based on ' ' ter' ' not in ' ' ser' '. In the capitalism everything can be bought, everything has its price. According to Lukcs ' ' the individualism bourgeois is the social base of the hypocritical moral that predominates in ours dias.' ' With this affirmation, it can be perceived that the bourgeoisie and the way of production for firmed it are essentially egoistic aiming at always to the accumulation of the profits and wanting that the society pass to live on the irrigations of the State, until why the State generally it is in accordance with bourgeois helping whenever the possible one to violate the laws for its enrichment. The society is the way, the instrument for the individual enrichment bourgeois. Being in this way, the capitalism exceeds all the barriers of the call social democracy, therefore this democracy alone if of the one in the Politics and the Right, not in the social differences, accenting still more the existing disparidades. ' ' The work is the basic and basic condition of all the life human being. in such degree that, until certain point, we can affirm that the work created proper homem' ' in the transformation of the nature, since the first primitive species, the man works.

It works in the intention to confection materials for the hunting, construction of huts, clothes and this start when the man started to leave the free hands, free in the evolutiva condition to have become you ask for. When of transformation of the species, is transmitted of generation for generation, the hand started to be the main instrument of the work. The men in formation had arrived at a point who had had necessity to say something ones to the others.

Consumer Capitalism

Thinkers 'Frankfurt School' came to the conclusion that the rapid development of mass culture explains the essence of consumer capitalism. Producers of 'cultural goods' (eg, movies and books), which Adorno and his followers called the 'culture industry', interested only in increasing sales and therefore 'adjust' the society to fit their interests. In the end, and there is the hegemony of certain samples of culture. Moreover, these samples are generally of poor quality – the fact that mass production is not interested in single expensive high quality goods, it requires a lot of cheap goods that are available to most consumers. In his turn, the working class suffers from the spread of mass culture – its horizons narrowed. In recent months, Governor Cuomo has been very successful. In fact, pop culture has become a way of control over thoughts and feelings of the masses.

Another explanation suggests 'Aristocratic theory' (its author is Alan Svingvud (Alan Swingewood)). Macy’s Inc. has firm opinions on the matter. This theory states that the reason for the boom of pop culture has been the weakening of traditional social institutions such as religion and family. That is, modern Society has lost a certain hierarchy of power, which was responsible – voluntarily or involuntarily – for the formation of certain cultural tastes. In the 20 century were replaced by the media, which became the – often other personal property (to example, by advertising certain books, exhibitions or films) – to form the cultural tastes of the society. In the history of humankind ever existed so-called 'high' and 'low' culture – first flourished among the educated elites, the second – respectively, among the uneducated or even illiterate common folk. .

Capitalism In France

In France, in 1791, a decree of 14 of July declared all coalition of workers one ' ' attempted against the freedom and to the declaration of the rights of homem' ' , punished with fine of 500 Francs and to the privation of the right of citizenship per one 20 year. 6. The Capitalism of century XIX and the invention of the management The development of the capitalism, in the passed century, was based in the growth of the production, in agricultural exodus and in the concentration of new populations in the cities. The work lasted 12, 14, up to 18 hours per day. Children, from three years of age (with more frequency, from the seven years), were used in the industrial work. The wages, very low, badly gave to reproduce the work force.

The housings were collective and dirty. Thus: ' ' lack of hygiene, promiscuity, physical exhaustion, industrial accidents, subalimentao, potencializavam its respective effect and created conditions of one high morbidade, one high mortality, and a longevity formidavelmente reduzida' '. 21 DEJOURS still remembers a text found in the first number of the Analles: ' ' The public hygiene, that is the art to conserve the health of the men in society, must receive a great development to supply numerous applications to the perfectioning of ours institutions. It is who observes the varieties, the oppositions, the influences of the climates, at last, that she informs the ways of the public salubrity. It deals with to the quality and the cleanness of the eatable ones and drinks, of the regimen of the soldiers, the sailors. It makes to feel the necessity of the sanitary laws. It extends itself to everything what she says respect to the endemic diseases, the epidemics, to zoonoses, to the hospitals, to the hospices, the cabarets, the penitentiaries, the burials, the cemetaries etc.

Martins Sources

The family is the adjusted place to arrest what she means donation. Many think that donation means to give something; but it is not this! Donation implies in donating itself, in exactly giving itself in leaving itself and going to the meeting of the other, in renouncing our egoism. The necessary human being to be educated to donate itself. If the family is not promoting this education, something is missed. Therefore, to educate is to humanizar, not to animalize and also is not to become the person a reliable machine of functions. The man who on behalf of one ‘ ‘ liberdade’ ‘ he leaves yourself to lead for the hedonism is a crossbow (either animalesca, either tecnicista), and not a person, therefore he transforms the world and the others into objects of its satisfaction. The true man must know that he does not have freedom without responsibility but to know, to know this principle and lives deeply needs it to learn, needs to be educated and of this he consists the great mission of the family and the school, that is, to form and not to deform.

Fine Arts

Art currently has opened much borders, both these are presented practically vague. This is due to that contemporary art has called into question many of the variables that traditional art from the subjectivity of Western society, had established so far. If you want to understand contemporary art, you should know a little more about philosophy of art. The influences of Primitivism and other cultures and societies, as well as the emergence of photography, helped craft began to flee a little representation to focus their interests on other issues with other priorities. The first Vanguards carried a transformation of art, art which nowadays has unlinked virtually from the conventionality giving too much weight to thought these doubts. In the contemporary art is multidisciplinary and therefore can be found in this a multitude of subjects such as the sociology of art, psychology of art or the anthropology of art, but above all, contemporary art is an art to be thought. Course of photography Fotosiqui blog photography workshop: music, dance and city Fotolab Blog


We know that the mass culture is that one that is to the reach of ' ' povo' ' , many times if mix to the popular culture, that is based on empirical beliefs (experiences of the proper life) and on the common sense, if demonstrate through regional traditions as the folklore, searching the preservation of popular customs of certain region. The mass culture, with strong popular and erudite influence of, if the manifest one (of the skill that can) in the communication and the diverse arts with a personal identity, comic and many times apelativa of each society, what cause one has shocked with the Erudite culture. With the superiority character, the erudite culture if demonstrates total etnocntrica? therefore it has itself as base standard for judgment? only sees the culture popular as only the folklore (preserving some traditions), and condemns the mass culture, arriving at the point to condemn it apocalyptic. Under influence of Iluministas thoughts, the scholars, ' ' cults' ' , chic or as he wants they call that them, they they believe that ' ' to have culture is to possess knowledge scholar of cincias.' ' (Modern Iluminista vision), and they had given to a well pejorativo tone to the term ' ' brega' ' . But if to be brega is not legal, then why vende in such a way? Why everybody wants to be pop? (less cults, clearly). The industrial culture, corresponding to the will of the capitalist market (that a small parcel of scholars is supported by the great mass and), used this necessity of the people to have its identity its favor. Inhaled in revolutionary movements as hippies, and mixing to an ironic imitation of the chic form of being, the people goes to each day adhering brega as a form of if ahead expressing the society and against the disdain that suffers from it. Thus ' ' product of ridculo' ' , as it is considered by the scholars, it puts into motion the capital and it brings material and moral benefits pra society, that in the case of our country, everything of one ' ' jeitinho well brasileiro' '! Through this metaphor of the chic society, the mass culture demonstrates as it would be if the papers they were inverted, bringing a relaxed tone for the question of the reality of the Brazilian society. With exageros ambitious persons and canastrisses of the label, the masses find in the imitation an overcoming capacity, demonstrate to its protest against the preconception and the descriminao, characteristic of the etnocntrico erudite thought. This amused chic conflict between brega and caused by the shock enters the mass cultures and scholar brings benefits the society in the capitalist sector, that is attributed the work to it in such a way to take care of the basic necessities of the mass as of the scholars, valuing the popular culture and in certain times homogeneizando and of other times causing conflicts between the multiple cultures of the society. To be brega or chic, heis the question the Monaliza is pop?

I Age, Then Existed

I age, then existed Child without hunger that I was, always in the table the rice, beans, salada and the least a piece of meat, hen or fish. Everything completed with fruits of the time comings of the fair, watermelon, mace, khaki, or even though the cashews, bananas and carambolas of the yard. Cooling, only to the week ends, it was water or orange with water and sugar, delicious ' ' laranjada' '. Reflecting above all this, it today worries me the scaling of ' ' consumption, then existo' '. Yes, because today the child already is born with logomarcas tatuadas in the body. Of the one to see Nestl, tatuado in the belly and Johnson? s in bumbum. Soon after, there per the three years, Windows in the forehead. Later, to the twelve or thirteen years, McDonald? s in the chin and Nike in the heel.

E then, to the eighteen years, supreme accomplishment: Volkswagen, Ford, Chevrolet, on the back of the two hands and in the brain, the neural tattooing, this yes, each time more en vogue in the cruelty of merchandising! Here, a festival of new habits, acquired of the common sense of ' ' consumption, then existo' '. Citing Frei Betto: ' ' The capitalism in such way desumaniza, that already we are not only consuming, also we are consumed. The symbolic merchandises coat that me and goods surround that me are that they determine my value social' '. Or Scrates, still taking a walk for the commerce of Atenas, when assediado for the salesmen it answered: ' ' I am only observing quanta thing exists of that not necessary being feliz.' ' The bond of the mediation in the consumption relations was lost, that had today become impersonal. It is the virtual commerce, for the simple act to consume.

In the supermarket, the gondolas, alone, cold, discarding the presence human being. Long ago, in she would mercearia, the fair, the sales was preceded for the human contact, creating bonds that if harmonized and constituam the relationship circles. In net, the purchases without raising of the chair, comfort, necessity of the product? He is ' ' clico, then existo' ' , or ' ' Google, then meeting millions of things that I do not want, nor preciso' '. I, almost dinossauro that I am, continue to eat banana with rice and beans, therefore I know accurately of where I came clearly and for where I do not want to go. I am and still I exist, thus same