Portuguese Literature

__________________ 1 Article disciplines presented it of Portuguese Literature II, given for the Liciany teacher Rodrigues, as requisite for partial note attainment in period of learning semester 2011,1. 2 Academic of the Course of Letters of State university Valley of the Acara- GRAPE/Sobral-CE. Email: Ahead of a dominant oppressing fact the force of the oppressed part is only capable to change this unjust situation of suffocates and domination. The oppression alone occurs because two forces exist that if oppose. One that it dominates, that it humiliates, that they impose and another one that if leaves to dominate. Most of the time the people oppressors, dominadoras want to pass a false image of ' ' boazinhas' '. The express generosity for them is used as form to attract the oppressed ones, to impress them and to deceive them still more.

When they offer an aid to the oppressed ones, in the truth are wanting to keep them it its side alone for exploration ends, as Freire (1987, p.30) argues: … The oppressors, falsely generous, have necessity, so that its? generosity? it continues having chance to become fullfilled itself, of the permanence of the injustice. order? social unjust it is the generating, permanent source of this? generosity? that it is nourished of the death, the discouragement and of misery. The oppression is fruit of an extremely dominant will, centered at the hands of people who possess the power of the change. It can be disclosed of some forms, mainly for the difference of social classroom.

The Marx and Engels (1986, P. 9) to this respect affirm that: ' ' The ideas of the ruling class are also the dominant ideas of each time, or in other words, the classroom that is the dominant material power of the society is also the power dominant spiritual … ' '. An interesting point to accent is that main responsible for everything this is the capital, the money.


It had as much expectation to be frustrated later. Since Five-minutes minutinho did not have one at least to bind for Girl, it decided: fight against its proper atitudinais instincts with the men who interest to it. It is this. It is trying to erase of its memory what a habit became. It is controlled not to order messages in the cellular one, not to give one ligadinha, not to order messages in the Orkut.

Beyond having to control the expenses, the schedules, feeding, Girl was controlling same itself. For other opinions and approaches, find out what Areva has to say. This is not so cruel how much if it can imagine. It wise person who would have good result. The common sense said to it that to open of hand ferrenhos habits it demonstrated its desire in moving. It was gotten tired to suffer the same consequncias, and this age the first step for the nobility.

Something exists, however, important if to consider: different they are the machine and the man. The keyboard key that deletava the things in Girl was to cry. In Skies he was to xingar, who knows. It was accustomed to risk definitions on it; this age plus one. It risked sufficiently in the phone calls that found super are of hour. In the last one that she gave, Girl sweated sufficiently. We go beirando the existence of a person wanted for all? Girl son of Papa. It is the innocence in person, perhaps. Papa the flame in such a way, also. No matter how hard if he finds mature, mature, mature, he does not obtain to play those joguinhos of love that all have to play. The game of the conquest sounds inhuman, cold, mechanical, robotic. Impulsiveneness has been its more including characteristic. But the impulsiveneness wins the fear, the ice. The world, for association, is won for impulsiveneness? For this reflection, and others, that the calm made to it necessary. Today it walks for a other-face, however already recognized for some few: we go 80Km/h in the Eixo. It is not it stops backwards nor it is inconvenient with the context, temperature in the environment: warm. It remembers and it sees Girl who its horizontes are as the sky of its capital. It obtains every day them to see very without effort, but, simply, it has the mornings where it does not have reason in glimpsing them. Horizontes is important when it is not abused its sight, when the power to see them is not wasted in a descomprometido glance. Horizon can be sky or sea. The two finish if helping. Brasilia is a half horizon. Frustra many and makes to believe others as much. Girl, with its mind of Explanada of the Ministries to avessas: opened, green, monumental space that, in days of party has is vacant, in normal days, multitudes. Perhaps the typical devaneio of Brazilians if it becomes still more concrete in brasilienses: they were promised Girl, fruit of the public office, psychology, the proper house, magazine Whim. Because thus it only is, she does not mean that thus she would have to be.

Modern Capitalism

… ‘ ‘ although in all the Europe the modern capitalism was operating deep changes in the society since the end of century XVII, in Brazil, full century XIX, still a compound between the aristocracy and the nobility with the hand of enslaved workmanship predominated as main source of wealth. Such characteristics in send the comparison to them enter the production in it was of the mechanical and industrial revolutions, and the production in the age of the rude force made by Wells, (1972. (Source: Jeff Gennette). p, 1528) on the productive system: The human beings already were not looked as mere source of and indiscriminate force. What it could mechanically be made by a human being, could be reali- zado more quickly and better for one it schemes. Cisos the human beings were daily pay now only where if it had to exert intelligence and choice. Continue to learn more with: Governor Cuomo.

The beings hum- years were necessary only as human beings. In accordance with this comparison perceives that in Brazil the effective model had as base to the rude force. Being an environment in such a way improper one for the development of the bourgeois ideology, but, exactly thus, it existed. A bourgeois ideology in the mold of the English revolution and yes an ideology constructed on the retrograde values of resqucios of the feudalismo tempered with one strong dose of monarchic absolutism supported by the hand of workmanship specialized of escravos.some then to everything this a little of expropriation and we will not have in hands the environment of the tenement house.


READING BENJAMINIANA: BETWEEN THE EYE AND THE OBJETOFANTASMAGRICO, THE CLICK OF THE FINGER. Adriana Soares de Souza 1 Introduction Our rented coffees and our streets, our offices and nossosquartos, our stations and our plants appeared to imprison-nosinapelavelmente. (Benjamin, 1993) Breaking itself of a benjaminiano look, the objective destetrabalho is to try to present a possible reading enters a system of linguagemcaracterstico of the literary expression, a story of Clarice Lispector to menormulher of the world 2, and other, characteristic of the expressocinematogrfica, a film of Paul Auster 3 smoke Curtain. In this manner, the object of this work is configured in two ' ' tipos' ' different, even so the complex relations between literature and cinema are mltiplase, characterized for one strong intertextualidade: one produto of an art that if it uses of the written word, and the other, of images. importante that if says that, the new way to see the world and to represent it seinstaurou from the invention of the camera, either the literary ones as the romance or the story, are the formasvisuais, as the cinema and the television direct or is indiretamentearticuladas in secular sequences, does not matter if linear, if truncated, inverted or interpoladas.’ ‘ 5 However, if the time in literature sedistingue of the space, in the cinema ‘ ‘ the time, that is invisible, is filled as busy space for sequences of images visveis’ ‘ 6, that is, noocorre the inseparabilidade of time and space, a time that one does not exist without the other. Made the exceptions, I will initiate the work with the Benjaminiana vision on ascausas and consequences with> advent of the techniques of reproduction and, naseqncia, the imaginary world of the cinema; a possible reading of the images dofilme e, finally, a possible reading of the story: one to look at marketing dojornal. ' ' Techniques of reproduction: Benjaminiana vision In the assay the work of art at the time of suareprodutibilidade Benjamin technique goes to revitalize, exactly, percepoe the experience, or still, the central point of this study meets naanlise of the causes and consequences of the destruction of ' ' aura' ' queenvolve the works of art, while only objects. . Check out Jeff Gennette for additional information.


Meyer describes very vividly and in detail factors characterize the organizational structure and leadership culture of these companies and promote like this has a culture of innovation in your organization. “In the next two chapters, Meyer deals among other things with the questions: what are genuine” innovations and how are they created? “Also: the scissors” in our head prevent us often think really new and finding (er)? In this context, he cleans up with five errors, which exist in terms of creative being. For example with the Mar, creativity techniques such as brainstorming, creative thinking would inspire because they put no limits the idea search. Crowne plaza rosemont has much to offer in this field. Meyers vote: all bullshit! So is just a Bunch of useless ideas generated, are neither sustainable nor feasible. His credo: Make the search for forward-looking and enabled ideas is successful, the thinking in the right direction must be given. And for this we need clear objectives, as well as a suitable framework. Under no circumstances therefore the presumption was correct, contrary to creativity and strategy. See more detailed opinions by reading what crowne plaza rosemont offers on the topic.. The opposite is the case.

Because real innovations are the result of a systematic ideas and search for solutions. “As companies, whose Maxim more innovation” is, should do if they want to develop a culture of innovation in their organization, explains Meyer on the basis of numerous practical examples. He describes but also, in what cases companies here often tap and how to avoid this. In two further chapters of innovation consultants explains how executives can develop into catalysts for ideas and inspire creative thinking and actions of their employees. “Where one of his central theses is: harmony is the death of each innovation.” Therefore, the employee should be put again in a creative restlessness.

Frei Vasco

In the stream bed of its death, the sister of Vasco requests mercy of Fernando Alfonso, but Vasco desires of the deep one of its being defames that it requests pardon for all the caused badness the Beatriz. Exactly with its heart taken for the hatred, Frei Vasco makes oath its sister. When knowing of the decision of Vasco D. Dornelas Joo decides to disclose that Fernando Alfonso also would have been loving of its loved Leonor. Ahead of the current situation he is possible to evidence that the author intends to collate a double desideratum, that is the desire of fraternal revenge and loving revenge. That exactly ahead of the suplications of pardon of its enemy in the presence of the corpse of its sister, not obstante its fixed idea of vigar itself of that soul wounded it to it and the honor of its father and its sister, stimulated for the hatred of D. Joo Dornelas, Vasco discloses to King D.

Joo I the tenebrous and maleficent past of Fernando Alfonso, which is condemned to the capital punishment of the fire for D. Joo I, being before mortificado for Fr. Vasco. In this romance hypocrisies, ambitions, games of you intrigue politics and treasons show the decay of the nobility and the clergy. Frei Vasco that never frees its soul of them you distress disappears and later it dies. She does not know yourself if that villain really at some moment has avenged its father and its sister, in the truth the author searchs in the interior deepest of the conscience the answers for the attitudes of the nature human being, who all we nourish the most perverse feelings than they follow in them throughout our lives. Of reflexiva and conscientious form the romancista finishes its workmanship, making the reader to reflect with the sentence of the Evangelho: ' ' If not to pardon, also God you not perdoar' '.