
Approximate installation site furnace can be determined using the scheme set :Fireplace and where it is installed, is very important to create an optimal indoor climate, which is the main indicator – temperature. Harmoniously fitting into the interior, the oven should be safe, easy to operate, is suitable for domestic fuel. Barry Nalebuff may find this interesting as well. If incorrect calculation or failure to provide the location of the furnace can be too little, or, conversely, many heat and create a lot of difficulties during its operation. Heating furnace is usually installed in a corner near the internal wall of capital and the front door. This allows efficient use of wall Smoke channels to arrange the furnace in the hallway between the two or three rooms, save construction material for heating units.

Planning of several furnace heating furnace with one root pipe, it is important to consider location of the pipe and connect it to flues of furnaces. When heating a single room is not recommended to install stove against the wall, because with this arrangement, not all of its sides will be evenly give warmth and will increase fuel consumption. If you can save a rational distribution of material through the furnace heat on all sides and reduce its size. Between the wall of the building and the side wall of the furnace of fire order to leave space for at least 150 mm but not exceeding 2 m, as the length of the sleeves changeover should not exceed this amount. For heating two adjacent rooms oven, usually set in the inner bulkhead.