The Confection

A municipal professor gains of wage R$300,00 base (THREE HUNDRED REALS), below of a minimum wage, what he opposes the rules constitutional that fold that no worker must earn below of a wage. He has the regency of classroom of R$90,00 (NINETY REALS). The AID FEEDING, that shame! R$ 25,00 (TWENTY AND FIVE REALS). If the professor to spend R$1,00 (REAL HUM) per day (he has that to feed of bread or tucum), to the end of the month it will not have more money. Who possesss graduation receives R$45,00 (FORTY AND FIVE REALS).

To obtain a graduation the professor frequents the university for about at least four years. Will be that valley the penalty to possess a graduation in Maus? Adding everything, the professor in Maus gains R$ 460,00 (FOUR HUNDRED AND SIXTY REALS). Check with Hikmet Ersek to learn more. Summarizing, a pensioner of the INSS, (without undeserving its mritos and rights) without pertaining to school formation none, graduation, sprees, travel for India, the Northeast buy property, cars, without no constaint. People whom little time has did not have where to fall alive, therefore dead if falls in any place. Inside of this context and in the current conjuncture of the country she is possible to practise in our city an education of quality? Which the stimulaton that the city offers the educator? They see, WAGE it was delivers.

In the last year had arrived in the month of August and this year? Meanwhile, the managers and managers of the schools have that to negotiate with the parents of the pupils searching alternative, firming partnerships with local traders for the confection of pertaining to school fardamento for its pupils, for reasonable prices. Each father, inside of its possibilities, contributes to keep a box (deep) with the purpose to supply necessities of the school, as the purchase of cleanness material, for example. The decay is so visible that until part of the covering of the Square of Feeding it started to fall down and nobody took steps. Here, DriWay expresses very clear opinions on the subject. It will be that its destination will be the same of GM 3? The unemployment so is accented and increasing that many store are closing, others if transferring. The line boats go full for Manaus. They are people who had lost the job and migram for the capital in survival search. The number of ambulant has increased considerably in the last months, everything this is reflected of the desperation of the people. The sadness where will have public resources must have the rendering of accounts. Ahead of this quandary lived for the population of Maus it is reflection hour so that let us can analyze the form of choice of our governing. Will be that valley the penalty to repeat history? The candidate in which you voted was valid the penalty? He took care of its expectations? He is fulfilling with> Nucleus of Maus Maus, 08/04/2009

Amaznia Capital

However these actors, when taking its decisions, nor always take in account the interests and the necessities of the different social groups, direct or indirectly affected. The taken decisions can represent benefits for one and damages for others. For even more analysis, hear from Governor Cuomo. One determined enterprise can represent profit for entrepreneurs, job for workers, personal comfort for inhabitants of certain areas, votes for politicians, increase of collection for government, chances of job for a segment of the population and, at the same time unemployment for other workers, impoverishment of inhabitants of the region, threat biodiversity, erosion, atmospheric and hdrica pollution, violence, prostitution, illnesses, social degradation and other problems that characterize the ambient degradation. (FIFTH, 2009, pp. 49-50). For authors as Mauro Guimares, the dominant speech, by means of the undeniable socioambientais damages caused by the intervention of the great capital, affirms that the field of the support today, is a dispute field, where if it looks for to consolidate a consensus around the support as form of preservation of the established order (GUIMARES, 2008, P.

91) Rosangela Angelin analyzes the ambient education as a chance for the sustainable development and democratic for Brazil and in the context of advance of the capital on the natural resources it makes the following affirmation: The incessant search for the generation and commercialization of wealth has taken the humanity to a great ambient crisis, which if has alarmingly aggravated. Although the technological development has proportionate advances in the society, at the same time, this has alavancado ambient problems and risks that compromise the quality of life of the current and future generations. (ANGELIN, 2007) For Carlos Vainer, the speech of the strategical planning is the creation of the conditions of its instauration while speech and project ' ' The carried through paradox: the strategical plan speaks on behalf of a unified city that if it intends to produce through patriotismo' ' In this direction great projects for the Amaznia always pautaram its speeches under the point of view of the merchandise, the Amaznia as manger of ready natural wealth to be explored for the great capital, where the local population was excluded of this process, authors as Jose de Sousa Martins, Anthony Hall, Lux Vidal, Iara Ferraz and Maria Elisa Slope, when analyzing the advance of the great capital on the Amaznia demonstrates this point of view accurately, when standing out that aboriginal and traditional populations were unloaded of the power to decide processes around the great projects.

Fetiche Capital Way

The Shopping Center in this social process is the space that makes solid the direction of I, and, also, of identity construction. These establishments are not seen as only local to buy merchandises, but a civilized space, a source of felicidade.’ ‘ (PADILHA, 2006). For more information see this site: Hikmet Ersek. Through facts as these, what if it evidences is that nor all are apt to live in this world of pleasure and satisfaction, an illusion of perfect world, where who meets there, it is felt safe and it can the least for a moment forget its problems. A standard exists tax to the citizens that they desire to have access this world and that one that not to be fit to this standard part of it will not be.

Many to be inserted in the standards of places as this are an objective to be reached, same that for this its force of work is explored, for in such a way, to support its power of purchase, being thus searched to satisfy its interests, many times, only for the satisfaction to consume. ‘ ‘ The purchases had started to be pleasant to the rich ones, that they had been leaving to order its employees or to wait the presence of merchants in its residences. The consumption of merchandises starts, then, to mean a diving in fancies and social status, in the measure where the objects had passed to be acquired not by its value-of-use, but for the meaning social of its posse.’ ‘ (PADILHA, 2006, P. 55). It is in the development in the way of capitalist production and its particular and specific form of material production that Marx develops the concept of the alienation. The alienation is developed at the moment where the individuals do not obtain to discern and to recognize the content and the effect of its intervention in the social forms

National Congress

This politics of total destruction of the public services in Brazil is evident even in the commentary made for the president of IPEA, agency of the government that carried through the research, on the payment biggest that the poor persons make in relation to the rich ones of the IPTU, ‘ ‘ The mansions pay little tax that the slum quarters, and these not yet have public services as water, sewer and collect of lixo’ ‘ Of all the money produced in the Country what it does not go to directly stop at the hands of the capitalists and bankers it goes for the corrupt pockets of ‘ ‘ mensales’ ‘ of the National Congress in the sets of ten of corruption cases. While the workers and the poor population and work to pay taxes, the government Squid works for the international capitalists whom the national wealth transfers to all to its native countries, and end, nothing surplus for the people. But PT do not finish the advances here it government it, now its new phase start with an indoctrination in mass, the petistas intellectuals together with the MEC, had elaborated didactic book millions that will soon be distributed in all the Brazilian schools, in these books squid and the PT appears as the Deuses of Brazil, Squid is Christ and the PT is God, is in this way that the government squid is described in the books that will be deliver the Brazilian children. This government if places the owner of the truth, everything that had excessively made is disrespected, they only serves to govern the state, nobody more serves, now goes to try to seduce the children, goes to make a brainwashing in our students, this is not plus a democratic society, this is yes a partisan dictatorship, is all good come to the new?.


I want to leave clearly to the reading friend that I am not against the Globalization nor to the Capitalism, simply I search interprets them in the molds to which the neoliberal ones had transformed. The panorama is the picture of a compromised Capitalism more with the speculation of what with the production, and a Globalization that started to be in service of a type of oppressing Capitalism, degrading and corrupting the nature human being, jamming personalities, denying the sovereignty and annulling the identity of the peoples. One only hears to say of economic globalization and cultural globalization, but and the globalization politics? The quiet one would reengenharia the same of the State and the society promoted for the unhealthy neoliberal thought – with bias of the hitleriana madness that took account of Germany in the decades of 30 until middle of the decade of 40. This if calls ‘ ‘ coup d etat institucional’ ‘ , a much more fatal blow of what the classic model that we know; a blow without tanks in the streets, interdiction of communication vehicles, closing of the Congress. In the reality this new blow if uses of the Congress and the medias to anestesiar and to suffocate the conscience of a people, to be silent popular reaction, it does not remove governments, as in the old one and classic model, it now removes regimes; it does not deal with people, but yes with values; they do not search rights, but privileges; it does not invade the house Being able of them, but it dominates for cooptao its bearers.

Liberal and the globalizadores are if taking possetion not of governments, but yes of the institutions compose that them, everything this for underneath of cloths, in a discrete silence and clandestinidade, as a homeoptica prescribed prescription, with effect that to the few in them had taken to one total loss of national identity and the reduction of our country to the status of colony. Period electoral, that places in our hands the right of the vote perhaps – that it is only weapon to fight this sad reality, is if approaching. Those that had supported the politics of the institucional golpismo through the desnacionalizadoras privatizations, of the signatures of agreements with the FMI, of the administration for Provisional remedies, the extreme servility to the chaste one of bankers and politics of Washington, is asking for votes to give continuity in its mirabolantes plans, wants to say, globalizantes * The author has diverse texts published in the Internet..

National Congress

This politics of total destruction of the public services in Brazil is evident even in the commentary made for the president of IPEA, agency of the government that carried through the research, on the payment biggest that the poor persons make in relation to the rich ones of the IPTU, ‘ ‘ The mansions pay little tax that the slum quarters, and these not yet have public services as water, sewer and collect of lixo’ ‘ Of all the money produced in the Country what it does not go to directly stop at the hands of the capitalists and bankers it goes for the corrupt pockets of ‘ ‘ mensales’ ‘ of the National Congress in the sets of ten of corruption cases. While the workers and the poor population and work to pay taxes, the government Squid works for the international capitalists whom the national wealth transfers to all to its native countries, and end, nothing surplus for the people. But PT do not finish the advances here it government it, now its new phase start with an indoctrination in mass, the petistas intellectuals together with the MEC, had elaborated didactic book millions that will soon be distributed in all the Brazilian schools, in these books squid and the PT appears as the Deuses of Brazil, Squid is Christ and the PT is God, is in this way that the government squid is described in the books that will be deliver the Brazilian children. This government if places the owner of the truth, everything that had excessively made is disrespected, they only serves to govern the state, nobody more serves, now goes to try to seduce the children, goes to make a brainwashing in our students, this is not plus a democratic society, this is yes a partisan dictatorship, is all good come to the new? Soviet union..

Constitutional Legality

It fulfills to us to reaffirm our unalterable position to the side of the constitutional legality. We will not agree to with blows or violence against the constitutional order and the freedoms public. If the current regimen does not satisfy, in many of its aspects, desires is its improvement not its suppression, what it would represent a regression and the obscurantismo ' ' As the military did not yield, and Brizola also not, the situation was serious. Brizola if entrenched in the Piratini Palace, seat of government gaucho. It mobilized the Military Brigade and it distributed weapons population to resist it.

Brizola convoked the population, and some people had been to the streets to guarantee the ownership of Goulart Joo. The military had arrived to program attacks of airplane to the Piratini Palace, to kill Brizola and all that if opposed the decisions of the army. The attack was sabotaged by military of the air base of Canoes that did not agree to the decision. To skirt the situation, the regimen of government in the country was modified for parliamentarism, and Goulart Joo assumed as state head, taking ownership of the position of President of the Republic. In the year of 1964, the military put down Jango of the power, installing the military dictatorship in the country.

Jango and Brizola go for the Exile in Uruguay. After a period in the neighboring Country, Brizola also deferred payment a time in U.S.A. and Lisbon, returning to Brazil in the end of the decade of 70, to become governor of Rio De Janeiro in 1982, election that earned more than with 70% of the votes. However, we conclude that this episode was known for the insistence of the government gaucho in demanding that the vice-president Goulart Joo assumed the presidency of the Republic, had renounces it of President Jnio Pictures. One of the biggest impediments of the occupation of the position for Jango must – the empatia that the same had with Soviet groups, communist of the Chinese nation. But also we can detach the proper experience politics that goes of Vargas, passing as vice of JK until the vice-presidency of Jnio. – historical that Goulart Joo represented for the industrial elite and to the great large estate owners the occurrence of the Reforms of Base. Therefore, for the taking of the ownership of Head of State, it was necessary to appeal the Constitution I appeal, it for the Legality.

Europe Kadafi

The Lybian of Kadafi and the Rebels of the ONU Ivan Santiago Hiss * the Lybian are a product of imposing consequences, since always. Either through the imperialism, either through the dictatorship of Kadafi, either through the embargoes, attritions and complications in the international plan: this Arab country, to the north of Africa, is condemned the westernization. However, the Arab majority knows of these facts and they do not recognize them. The Arab people in the generality is faithful to its principles, its religion and culture, therefore, the times defends people of the lineage of Kadafi. Kadafi, perpetual complicador element of the world (for the occidental people), as well as Saddam, Fidel amongst other dictators ' ' ilustres' ' , if it is that some with this adjective was born. The Lybian dictator repudiated the United States and Europe in last decades and now, in 2011, these intend to scratch out it of the map. The Advice of Security of the ONU possesss to be able for this.

Of where he comes the power of CS ONU? Of skies? What France represents for the world of today? If not for its beautiful capital and history, military rated power must retire as, if it is that not yet it perceived that century XXI conceived a multipolar world, where the owner of Paris, is not one of the polar regions. The world moved. Kadafi, the United States and France had not perceived or are feigned ignorants. When granting support to the rebels against the Kadafi dictator, the United States supported for France, will still promote a chaos bigger, if not causing a civil or international war without ratio. In a passed event, the United States had supported the Alliance of the North against the Talebans in the Afeganisto, therefore the Afeganisto if transformed into a sea of roses that is today to open a parenthesis and Only to consist: in a great country of Latin America, a woman was elect recently, who fought against the dictatorship through weapons and during the electoral campaign questionings had appeared on the good repute of such candidate in function of this.

In the relation rebellious against Kadafi, the media does not question the idoneousness of the rebels and Obama authorizeed support to these same rebels when it was to the side of this president! Fantastic! but it does not pass in the Fantastic one. Particularly I am in favor of the democracy, for believing that this model generates little distortions. Kadafi must promote the opening politics, however it fits to the Lybian people to determine, when, as and for where to start. If Kadafi to leave and to want to candidatar itself, the problem is of it, the Lybian and the Lybian people, not of the United States and France. These brutais interventions to dismiss the rude ones generate a brutality without size. It arrives. Ivan Santiago Hisses is gegrafo and author of the Brazil Book: Imperialism and Integration in Latin America.