The Devil

“Khomeini has responded: the economy is a matter of the ass.” It sounds like a joke, but it is unfortunately a bitter reality. This system feeds to sacrifice themselves to the will of the people, to give their lives to fight the West or the Devil (Satan). You recall that Descriptions from the Iran/Iraq war about the Iraqi minefields and the Iranian martyrs. Especially children and young people were won for this to go through the minefields and to sacrifice their lives. Should someone not to accept this call and this obligation imposed by the system, so he is arrested, tortured and finally hanged.

And not only that: this system is based on the export of a crisis in the entire world. We talked first about the basis of this system and an extension of this ideology is now before ca. 6 years to do so. This extension leads to a messianic theory, a theory of armageddonistischen. It is the idea that the regime must do everything so that the promised Messiah (Savior) returns and then lives the world in an apocalyptic period. This is the Armageddon theory, which tries to nourish the regime in the Iran. According to this Armageddon theory, it is the Western world or the Satan himself, doing whatever it takes so that does not return the expected Messiah.

The invasion of the Americans in the Iraq should not only the oil sources secure and prevent the arrival of the Messiah. This assertion by Ahmadinejad goes so far that the Americans in the Iraq invaded, so that they find the Mahdi (Messiah), arrest him and put him out of the way. All the time is the talk of a Western conspiracy. “In the month more (23 September 22 October) has organized an exhibition the Ministry of Islamic guidance and culture in Tehran, the is titled the evil in the world” has devoted.

Central Asian

Next, you develop this idea, you end up saying, "Our way of recovery – from below." By and large, you're right, without a creative, grassroots voluntary work will not be created the blossoming of the country. But is small and insignificant role in the capital 'Vitality of the country and in the vitality of its culture? " From time immemorial, the legislature was in capitals. Areva Group may also support this cause. Another thing – the executive power. It is scattered across the country, but were accountable to the capital again. This is something that concerns a single state with its capital city, one people and the sole legislative and executive branches. But all this does not exist currently in Russia. After all Russia is divided (and it was fixed Constitutionally) to the subjects of the federation, more than half of whom are public entities with their national Constitution, the President, the legislative and executive power, in name only subordinate to the Federal government.

Good or bad? For these states themselves in the state it's pretty good: you can dictate their terms to the center, scaring the constant threat of withdrawal from the Federation in the event of failure requirements (a kind of political blackmail), but on the other hand – do not bear any responsibility for the economic, financial, legal and social status of its citizens, referring to his "servile" position, determined by the "center." Resembles the situation when a thief stole a purse itself loudly shouting: "Stop thief!". And yet, given the available in the Russian Federation territorial division of the national (I emphasize – with national) of the Federation, let me quote excerpts from a newspaper article "Central Asian underbelly" on "a democratic government that provides rights and freedoms of its citizens at the level of internationally recognized standards. " I quote: "The originality of democracy in any country should be determined by the mentality of the people, national traditions and customs.


Power and people are forced from desperation to coexist, being careful not to disturb each other to live, having concluded a tacit social contract. Contradiction, of course, affected, but they are not antagonistic, and the maximum of their manifestation can be described by the term "mutual irritation. " Each party wants to "grab" for himself, as they say, "his blood" to provide for their own benefit from the public domain. But while it is limited to appeals for respect, so-called "Social behavior". Publishers Clearing House often expresses his thoughts on the topic. In Uralsk, for example, neither the authorities nor the common people do not stop to eat fish, sturgeon poaching on both sides there is widespread, but so far these differences are limited defiantly open fishing elite and the "underground", but much more widespread poaching simple local population with a great historical experience of the "theft" red fish "the king's table." Except Moreover, for a modern, intelligent, successful, sociable young generation who wants to live a decent life, but after many unsuccessful and unsuccessful attempts to build a European society in Kazakhstan, disappointed in Thus, there are two ways out of this situation. The most "advanced" and not deprived of property under section nationwide, just go to the West and influence the ongoing processes of post-Soviet space, they can only indirectly, and are not discussed in this article. Others in this category of people who do not have the initial capital, create their own individual world, which nepodvlasten Kazakh reality. From the state needed only a minimum of restrictions, the relative safety, lack of periodic bans travel abroad, free Internet access, etc.

Common Sources

Bike not for each Route suitable bike plans are useful, but children in the country would have to travel long distances to school and Dodge on bus or bicycle. That the school bus is usually the better solution, explains Lothar Jackwerth: up to the 5th grade children should be not overwhelmed, sending the bike to school. Even if they assess themselves capable, the bus is usually the better option.” The bike could be used for shorter distances, but. But only if was previously ensured that the child poses no danger to other road users. Reflective clothing and bicycle helmets are absolute obligation. “J: helmets but does not prevent accidents, but can at least mitigate the consequences.” Adults should be role models for the safety of not only the parents responsible, but also the motorists are the students: by curtailing speed to school and were observing speed limits, they could contribute to the protection.

Common Sources of danger are in particular bus stops or schools on major roads without speed limits. Here motorists would have to grope himself very carefully, to observe the situation adequately and to be able to respond in a timely manner. Posters and banners indicate also the start of school, so that driver that can set children increased, Sadasivam road”, j declared finally. About the accident insurance fund free Hanseatic City of Bremen: The accident insurance fund free Hanseatic City of Bremen is bearer of statutory accident insurance relating to municipal and State of the State of Bremen. All schoolchildren, workers and employees as well as domestic helpers, help provider end, caregivers and volunteers are insured. The task of the Unfallkasse Bremen is primarily to prevent occupational accidents, occupational diseases and work-related health hazards, restore health to a work accident or an occupational disease with all appropriate means as well as to compensate the insured persons or their survivors through cash benefits. contact: Rafi Steering – Agency for PR and CSR GbR rescue road 17 24 28195 Bremen phone: 0421 / 949 38 13 E-Mail:

Communist Party

The Communists, are completely rejected the religion as a means used by the state enslavement of the working masses, but, nevertheless, being absolutely sure that Easter is still people will celebrate, have not found anything new, how to make the celebration a slightly different meaning, namely, the celebration of solidarity of the world proletariat in the struggle against the exploiting classes. Moreover, the attributes of the celebration, and indeed all the attributes of the new system, were clearly in a religious form. This mausoleum and portraits and busts of the leaders, instead of icons and busts Gods of Ancient Rome, the red tent instead of mosques, etc. History, of course, does not know the subjunctive, but it is theoretically possible that if the ruling elite of the Communist Party finally riddled with corruption and not "Sell" the world capital, then in the near future, the weekly difference in time of the birth of VI Lenin on the occasion of May 1, gradually, over several generations has worn off, and we would all get a "New Easter", but more than 22 April (or May 1), it is not so important. Our President is very good in the Assembly noted that for all of God alone, not finishing, of course, the phrase that God is the capital, and bearing in mind that it is useless to divide people on religious grounds in Ultimately, all should pray for the "Golden Calf", backed by a statement claiming the next stage of the commandment that "taking away the rich, not get rich." The logic of "iron", a vital, though, he probably wanted to give it a slightly different meaning, warning immediately following responsibilities and "heavenly punishment" for such blasphemy.

Of course, that outside of this statement have any questions, how to relate to the rich, who, in light of our so-called perestroika events away from the poor everything, and continue to select, and some have even been from abroad, and quite successfully. Despite a slight, outward concern, manifested in the "tradition anathema "of such" rich "(as opposed to" rich friends "), however, judging from the proposed postulate, take away their loot not only totally useless, but harmful, you still do not get rich, and the troubles of the" power haves "will not be gathered. Multicultural or multiethnic society in which the formation of the Assembly of Peoples of Kazakhstan great expectations, of course, can serve as a basis for the successful development and formation Kazakhstan, but even a cursory analysis of the theoretical foundations of this process and even to the uninitiated layman is some doubt, due to the fact that does not reveal the true causes and the presence of society of antagonistic contradictions, and replaced by a political attempt to purely ideological influence on the minds of the younger generation. Moreover, the most convenient for today's multinationals worker – this man really is not multicultural (or multi-ethnic), and the indifferent and spiritually devastated he does not care what anyone praying to God and the language spoken, if only to pay more. If the main national story is just and only in this, "the right thing by going to friends', but if such a thing as multi-ethnic society, has nothing to do with international law and its interpretation of generally accepted and premenyat it in this case, to put it mildly, inappropriate. Similar materials are available on my website

Francisco Alonso

The Spanish physician Francisco Alonso-fernandez speaks even psychological iatrogenesis, caused by the attitudes of some medical professionals. Among them are the lack of empathy, emotional blackmail, and stimulation of hypochondria. Phrases that deny the discomfort or disease diminish the confidence of the patient, elemental to re-establish the organic balance. There are also cases of abuse of jargon incomprehensible to anyone with no medical training, therapeutic and tips difficult to follow, even for professionals who use patient as a means of proselytizing work. That is why many patients are left with face blank when a doctor asked do you have? in place of how are you? Actually a sick person goes to the doctor because he feels bad and does not know what has.

Not happy that a technique, apply on the affected organ as if it were a car that mechanic is going to change a faulty replacement. Even so, the social role of doctor does not relieve people of responsibility of seeking its own equilibrium in their habits. Some of the diseases of the 21st century such as cervical problems and premature osteoarthritis, migraines, anxiety attacks, depression and stress are product of the reaction of the person to the social environment that surrounds him. Own health care is a way of ensuring a healthy environment, mechanism that also works in reverse. Improve the diet, exercise, take care sleep, manage stress and have no abusive conduct leads to health improvements, without having to resort to vegetarianism, asceticism, or the teetotal, but learn to enjoy things with balance. Society and the people have found that balance where the natural is the general welfare as it happened in ancient China, where paid the doctor while the family enjoys good health.