
Already the Europe at the beginning of century XIX the majority of the European population lived in the field. The land still was the main source of wealth; in meanwhile different of France the Europe already had initiated the industrial process, on the influence of the iluminismo, that looked the modernization of the society. But innumerable factors go to contribute for the revolution as the form of manufacturing production, the use of the energy of the vapor and innovations techniques that originate the maquinismo; magnifying of the ways of communications, with the construction of canals and new pavement systems; magnifying of the consuming markets because of the increase population and of the European colonialismo; existence of capitals proceeding from the colonial commerce, the banks and agriculture; increase of the raw material production, stimulated for new systems of culture and mining. Few industries existed, but the use of the machines demanded the Industrial revolution and the end of the manufacturing production. The liberal thoughts had contributed for the formation of a new French and European society. Therefore he is one set of ideas that the purpose has to assure the individual freedom and the private property. These philosophical ideas had been generated from the sprouting of a new economic society. Thus being, liberalism will be studied from a historical boarding, which does not intend to describe the history of diverse liberalisms, In elapsing of the text it searchs to detach that this ideology was born in the modern society and that throughout its formation and development took different feies in the different countries where penetrated. Becoming a factor of extreme importance in the construction of a society contemporary who searchs ' ' freedom, equality and fraternidade' '.


I generate, you I generate, it generate, we I generate, general you and them they generate. This is the gift of the indicative, current situation where we find in them. President Luiz Incio Lula da Silva sancionou in day 02 of August the National Politics of Resduos Slidos (PNRS), after incredible 21 years waiting the deserved endorsement. 21 years! The PNRS has as objective the not-generation, reduction, reutilizao and treatment of solid residues, as well as final destination ambiently adjusted of the garbage, stimulating the recycling and the correct handling of the residues (garbage that can be reaproveitado or recycled) and of the rejeitos (what it is not passvel of reaproveitamento); it forbids the lixes and it institutes the beginning of responsibility shared for the cycle of life of the products, enclosing manufacturers, importers, deliverers and traders, consumers and bearers of the public services of urban cleanness and handling of solid residues. Beyond the shared responsibility, the PNRS foresees the call logistic reversa, that one consists in a set of action to facilitate the return of the residues to its generators so that they are treated or reaproveitados in new products, that is, who originated a product that however its useful life findou, this company will have to collect it and to give an end in correct way. All attention directed to the garbage that we generate; many times if confuse to the exacerbado capitalism, to buy, to buy and to buy. In Brazil, 150 a thousand tons of garbage per day are generated approximately, where only 13% are treated in sanitary aterros, being that 60% go for the lixes.

Interesting of all this process politician, legislative bureaucracy, astronomical numbers, it is in relation to the capacity of the man in generating garbage of unnecessary order. The question I fill with earth of it, where theoretically of – a destination ' ' correto' ' to the dejections, it is excellent, however, only the ambient passvel of a place for another one is transmitted. The ideal would be to reduce the consumption, with more conscientious habits in its ticket for the land. It has a very excellent theory, called of voluntary simplicity, qui a model of sustainable development more advanced than if it has. It is a life style where if it opts to an exterior simpler standard, but interior richer; a thrifty style, mainly in the alimentary habits, with more emphasis to the natural one of what the industrialized one.

Adopting this style, it does not presume to simplify the life in one all, to open hand of everything, but of the excesses, exhibitionism, of the restriction of the movements and freedom of the individual, does not mean to make poverty vote, but to eliminate the superfluous one, that it distresses, places in permanent tension, in state of alert. It is guided in the conscientious consumption, socially and ambiently, to buy on the real necessity that if has e, if these correspond to the way of sustainable life, preferring the entailed pleasure the necessity and when consuming for the simple act not to buy. It fits to each one of us to assume a simplicity position, moving the consumistas habits for a way of conscientious life, responsible. I would generate, you I would generate, it I would generate, we I would generate, it would generate and they would generate. She reduces, she reuses, she recycle, reeduque!

Sycamore Business

To date, 43 Krasnodar hotels and 18 mini-hotels meet the requirements of business travelers. According to statistics, the occupancy of these hotels this year amounted to only 65%. In this popular all categories rooms – from economy class to executive suites. Among the popular hotels, specializing in business travel, we can distinguish ‘Red Royal’, ‘Intourist-Krasnodar “, hotel complex” Sycamore “,” Prime Hotel’, ‘Europe’, ‘Aton’. Krasnodar attractive to businesses for several reasons. For example, sometimes there are problems with the flight to Sochi – the local airport does not accept all flights. In this case, the Krasnodar airport terminal is a transit point.

In Kuban capital concentrated almost all major business projects associated with the development of the region. Finally, Novorossiysk – the main knot of the country – takes business people through the Krasnodar airport. According to experts, about 70% of tourists are choosing individual business travel. At conferences and seminars flies 15% of businessmen to participate in fairs and exhibitions – 10%. In addition, a small percentage made up of transit tourists who Find your way through Krasnodar.

Business hotels in Krasnodar – the peak of their visit falls on the spring and autumn. During the holidays and the holiday season is the amount of travel is declining dramatically. To attract the hotel guests, usually offer discounts on the price. For example, a large group of tourists always get a good discount. But hotels do not remain vnaklade – extra income brings banqueting, conference rooms, meeting rooms, restaurants. For the business person, every minute counts, so Krasnodar hotels are trying to give businesses a full range of services required. As a rule, they can use meeting rooms, Internet access, secretarial services. Specialized clubs make an individual guided tour, pick guard, a personal guide, cook, rent a car, would get tickets for any event in the city. Approaching the Sochi Olympics will certainly play into the hands of the Krasnodar hotels. Experts predict an increase in the flow of business tourists to the Kuban 2014. Krasnodar Hotel market gradually recovers from recession and is fully restored.

The Disciplined Trader

Inverts the sense of their positions continuously, it doubles their positions when prices fall. The loser do not realize that cannot stop because he is addicted to the excitement that produces the game. A professional trader, if you have a long series of losses takes it as a sign that something is wrong. Then it stops investing and reviews its methods and its analysis. You first have to change your way of thinking if you want to stop the losses and begin to recover. As Mark Douglas in The Disciplined Trader, the trading is a mental discipline. Neither more nor less.

I also played bottom a couple of times. I know what it feels like. Then I stopped, checked all my operations logs and saw that, from among the three groups of errors (errors of method, discipline errors and errors of capital management), I always committing them 5 specific mistakes, over and over again. Identified my 5 weaknesses of trading I wrote them on a card and stuck it next to the computer screen. So every morning, before launching any operation, the leo and I note that not I will go back to fall into the same thing. Every day watching do well, as the anonymous alcoholic every day watching stay away from alcohol. Invest in stock market should be taken as a business to make money, not as a game.

Reasonable losses will always exist and are part of the business. But we must distinguish when you lose as a professional, and when you lose as a player. Once defined the reasonable risk by operation (according to the capital and Stop Loss limit, including commissions), the professional will not accept losing one single euro more, will come out without excuses, without vain hopes and emotions. Otherwise would be to behave as players. DaveN this article belongs to authorizing the free reproduction of this article when click in its entirety and the respective credits to the author and link are given to the source of origin, i.e., original author and source of the article.

Account Management Tell

In my experience as a trader when someone requests me your account management professional encounter two types of very common customers according to the amount: those who have small accounts between 1,000 and 15,000 euros always want to earn him up to 300%. Those who have accounts more large 50,000 onwards tend to apply for maximum 12% monthly (just enough). A big customer tends to be more patient, quiet, sober and planned, the he worked hard to gather their 50,000 and want to keep it in time, then it is not demanding and calls for maximum 12%, this customer understands that if you asked little profitability your risk will be lower. The truth is that an account of 50,000 or 100,000 euros is much more advantageous for trade than an account of 5,000 euros. At the other end we have the small investor: impatient, ambitious and often heavy, demands the maximum performance of your small account at any price. The negative part of this business is that when a small inverter loses complains more than the inverter top, why?As I mentioned in another post, this type customer lacks a plan of investment for your account, assuming your account of 5,000 client make 15,000 generally doesn’t know what he will do with these 15,000, then tells his ambitious reasoning: I want more! Characteristics of customers with large accounts vs beads small (1,000 to 20,000 USD/EUR customers) Impacientes ambitious desperate lack a plan of investment do not know when removed do not know what to do with the profit always ask for reinvestment. Clients of 30,000, 70,000 EUR/USD onwards: patients planned reserved sober calmed discrete always withdraw your winnings in time know what to do with its gain rarely ask for reinvestment generally I do not usually operate below 15,000 accounts, wear is too much for his size but sometimes I do and try to guide this small investor to maintain your investment in time. I always suggest you withdraw yields every once you have them, ask them about their investment plan, but have it suggest what you can do with your profit. Give you a guideline of what that can win according to their capital and attempt to balance its small profit in a way that the can enjoy their yields and I my satisfaction tapering friendship more than businesses. This post to been dedicated with love to all my customers without the mood to offend anyone but for building confident business among all.