
I generate, you I generate, it generate, we I generate, general you and them they generate. This is the gift of the indicative, current situation where we find in them. President Luiz Incio Lula da Silva sancionou in day 02 of August the National Politics of Resduos Slidos (PNRS), after incredible 21 years waiting the deserved endorsement. 21 years! The PNRS has as objective the not-generation, reduction, reutilizao and treatment of solid residues, as well as final destination ambiently adjusted of the garbage, stimulating the recycling and the correct handling of the residues (garbage that can be reaproveitado or recycled) and of the rejeitos (what it is not passvel of reaproveitamento); it forbids the lixes and it institutes the beginning of responsibility shared for the cycle of life of the products, enclosing manufacturers, importers, deliverers and traders, consumers and bearers of the public services of urban cleanness and handling of solid residues. Beyond the shared responsibility, the PNRS foresees the call logistic reversa, that one consists in a set of action to facilitate the return of the residues to its generators so that they are treated or reaproveitados in new products, that is, who originated a product that however its useful life findou, this company will have to collect it and to give an end in correct way. All attention directed to the garbage that we generate; many times if confuse to the exacerbado capitalism, to buy, to buy and to buy. In Brazil, 150 a thousand tons of garbage per day are generated approximately, where only 13% are treated in sanitary aterros, being that 60% go for the lixes.

Interesting of all this process politician, legislative bureaucracy, astronomical numbers, it is in relation to the capacity of the man in generating garbage of unnecessary order. The question I fill with earth of it, where theoretically of – a destination ' ' correto' ' to the dejections, it is excellent, however, only the ambient passvel of a place for another one is transmitted. The ideal would be to reduce the consumption, with more conscientious habits in its ticket for the land. It has a very excellent theory, called of voluntary simplicity, qui a model of sustainable development more advanced than if it has. It is a life style where if it opts to an exterior simpler standard, but interior richer; a thrifty style, mainly in the alimentary habits, with more emphasis to the natural one of what the industrialized one.

Adopting this style, it does not presume to simplify the life in one all, to open hand of everything, but of the excesses, exhibitionism, of the restriction of the movements and freedom of the individual, does not mean to make poverty vote, but to eliminate the superfluous one, that it distresses, places in permanent tension, in state of alert. It is guided in the conscientious consumption, socially and ambiently, to buy on the real necessity that if has e, if these correspond to the way of sustainable life, preferring the entailed pleasure the necessity and when consuming for the simple act not to buy. It fits to each one of us to assume a simplicity position, moving the consumistas habits for a way of conscientious life, responsible. I would generate, you I would generate, it I would generate, we I would generate, it would generate and they would generate. She reduces, she reuses, she recycle, reeduque!