
We know that the mass culture is that one that is to the reach of ' ' povo' ' , many times if mix to the popular culture, that is based on empirical beliefs (experiences of the proper life) and on the common sense, if demonstrate through regional traditions as the folklore, searching the preservation of popular customs of certain region. The mass culture, with strong popular and erudite influence of, if the manifest one (of the skill that can) in the communication and the diverse arts with a personal identity, comic and many times apelativa of each society, what cause one has shocked with the Erudite culture. With the superiority character, the erudite culture if demonstrates total etnocntrica? therefore it has itself as base standard for judgment? only sees the culture popular as only the folklore (preserving some traditions), and condemns the mass culture, arriving at the point to condemn it apocalyptic. Under influence of Iluministas thoughts, the scholars, ' ' cults' ' , chic or as he wants they call that them, they they believe that ' ' to have culture is to possess knowledge scholar of cincias.' ' (Modern Iluminista vision), and they had given to a well pejorativo tone to the term ' ' brega' ' . But if to be brega is not legal, then why vende in such a way? Why everybody wants to be pop? (less cults, clearly). The industrial culture, corresponding to the will of the capitalist market (that a small parcel of scholars is supported by the great mass and), used this necessity of the people to have its identity its favor. Inhaled in revolutionary movements as hippies, and mixing to an ironic imitation of the chic form of being, the people goes to each day adhering brega as a form of if ahead expressing the society and against the disdain that suffers from it. Thus ' ' product of ridculo' ' , as it is considered by the scholars, it puts into motion the capital and it brings material and moral benefits pra society, that in the case of our country, everything of one ' ' jeitinho well brasileiro' '! Through this metaphor of the chic society, the mass culture demonstrates as it would be if the papers they were inverted, bringing a relaxed tone for the question of the reality of the Brazilian society. With exageros ambitious persons and canastrisses of the label, the masses find in the imitation an overcoming capacity, demonstrate to its protest against the preconception and the descriminao, characteristic of the etnocntrico erudite thought. This amused chic conflict between brega and caused by the shock enters the mass cultures and scholar brings benefits the society in the capitalist sector, that is attributed the work to it in such a way to take care of the basic necessities of the mass as of the scholars, valuing the popular culture and in certain times homogeneizando and of other times causing conflicts between the multiple cultures of the society. To be brega or chic, heis the question the Monaliza is pop?