
Totally I am convinced that to form at any level it is a process of discovery and personal development. Week past series entrevistaron to protagonist of Eagle Red, that was attending the studies that take to the degree of Philosophy, in the UNED (National University of remote education). – The question of why it did and if it supposed a load to him, I answer that it was a way to work its mind and to be developed like person, also commented that it was not a load since was a way to take advantage of its rests and trips with a concrete objective. To undertake a project of life supported in the permanent formation, offers to the person a series of opportunities and experiences that would before not have considered. How it serves a personage popular and met to study a university race? Then it is a way of personal development, to know the thoughts the historical personages, to see the life from the eyes of another one, to include/understand history, more tolerant, summary you become one better person. Each person is a unique specialist in the world, which one is not repeated in anybody, if to that we united to him that by nature likes to learn, then already we have the base so that our life acquires a special sense. Perhaps we consider that we are not famous, that our life is very busy, we do not have time, surely is certain, but also it is certain that they are not going to us to give nothing, and if we want to change something in our life, we only can do it. He is plus an attitude question (character) that of aptitude (capacity), if we focused in which we want, being perseverantes the aptitude comes without giving account us.

The main barrier is not outside us, we are we those that we decided in last instance which we try to do in our life, is those that we decided so much to do as not to do, and cannot be focused in which they are others or circumstances those that cause the problems to us. If you decide that your life changes of course and to begin to retake studies or to begin others, tries that they are those that make you enjoy, and that remove the best thing from you, not you you guide reason why it demands the market, that your guide is what really she motivates to you, in the end will be what she will produce satisfaction to you and a total life. 3 suggestions: Turtle begins to step, a degree finishes subject to subject, dates time and ten patience. There are no impossible goals, are real terms little. A suspension is not nothing else that a result, what you are not, only says to you that will be to do something that before you did not do.