Communist Party

The Communists, are completely rejected the religion as a means used by the state enslavement of the working masses, but, nevertheless, being absolutely sure that Easter is still people will celebrate, have not found anything new, how to make the celebration a slightly different meaning, namely, the celebration of solidarity of the world proletariat in the struggle against the exploiting classes. Moreover, the attributes of the celebration, and indeed all the attributes of the new system, were clearly in a religious form. This mausoleum and portraits and busts of the leaders, instead of icons and busts Gods of Ancient Rome, the red tent instead of mosques, etc. History, of course, does not know the subjunctive, but it is theoretically possible that if the ruling elite of the Communist Party finally riddled with corruption and not "Sell" the world capital, then in the near future, the weekly difference in time of the birth of VI Lenin on the occasion of May 1, gradually, over several generations has worn off, and we would all get a "New Easter", but more than 22 April (or May 1), it is not so important. Our President is very good in the Assembly noted that for all of God alone, not finishing, of course, the phrase that God is the capital, and bearing in mind that it is useless to divide people on religious grounds in Ultimately, all should pray for the "Golden Calf", backed by a statement claiming the next stage of the commandment that "taking away the rich, not get rich." The logic of "iron", a vital, though, he probably wanted to give it a slightly different meaning, warning immediately following responsibilities and "heavenly punishment" for such blasphemy.

Of course, that outside of this statement have any questions, how to relate to the rich, who, in light of our so-called perestroika events away from the poor everything, and continue to select, and some have even been from abroad, and quite successfully. Despite a slight, outward concern, manifested in the "tradition anathema "of such" rich "(as opposed to" rich friends "), however, judging from the proposed postulate, take away their loot not only totally useless, but harmful, you still do not get rich, and the troubles of the" power haves "will not be gathered. Multicultural or multiethnic society in which the formation of the Assembly of Peoples of Kazakhstan great expectations, of course, can serve as a basis for the successful development and formation Kazakhstan, but even a cursory analysis of the theoretical foundations of this process and even to the uninitiated layman is some doubt, due to the fact that does not reveal the true causes and the presence of society of antagonistic contradictions, and replaced by a political attempt to purely ideological influence on the minds of the younger generation. Moreover, the most convenient for today's multinationals worker – this man really is not multicultural (or multi-ethnic), and the indifferent and spiritually devastated he does not care what anyone praying to God and the language spoken, if only to pay more. If the main national story is just and only in this, "the right thing by going to friends', but if such a thing as multi-ethnic society, has nothing to do with international law and its interpretation of generally accepted and premenyat it in this case, to put it mildly, inappropriate. Similar materials are available on my website