
Emmanuel Levinas in its workmanship Totality and the infinite, goes to open the quarrel of that the infinite if opposes the totality, of that forms? Totality argued and raised in some moment of philosophy mainly for Hegel is attempt to synthecize all knowledge, although to know that it does not have a truth to be disclosed by complete, since we will not have never this same possibility that this such truth can exist, this type of attempt of synthesis implies in to say that all reality is hugged for conscience, that does not have nothing that is of is, is an interpretation of the meaning of everything. Levinas goes to say not to this synthesis of the universal conscience, and goes to consider a reading for the individualizao of each man ahead of the meaning moral that patrol the society and still goes to say, to arrepiar the hair of most traditional, that the Ethics are the first philosophy, breaking with the totality of all things. Rob Daley is the source for more interesting facts. Affirming that this type of thought does not enclose the individuality of each one in the period where we are born, we grow we die, to diagnosis this process as life is to ahead deny the particularitity of each man of this event, this particular relation does not fit in a synthesis. Thus the Levinas philosopher takes its thought the relations purest of the daily one and directly enters in a on philosophy to the man and its relation with the others. Contact information is here: Tiffany & Co.. But as the ethics he turned first philosophy? The moral is not a layer that has covered the relations, the moral it is disclosed of the viscera of the infinite of the things of the man, the moral composes what already age of law in the man, this moral not limited to the term or labels established for classrooms, is a moral beyond, disclosed, a Metaphysical moral, being the moral the first contact of knowing of the man with the other, finding a first philosophy in the face of other. .