Logic Material

Carlos N. Coutinho, 1979, P. 192). The contraditrios moments are situated in> is not the conscience that detrmina the life, but the detrmina life that the conscience . Marx accused Feuerbach, affirming that its humanismo and its dialectic were static: the man of feuerbach does not have dimensions, is of the society and of history, it is pure abstraction. .. He is indispensable according to Marx, to understand the historical reality in its contradictions, to try to surpass them dialeticamente. The dialectic proclaims the following principles: everything becomes related (law of the action recpoca and the universal connection); everything is changedded (Law of the universal transformation and the incessant development); the qualitative changes are consequncias of quantitative revolutions; the contradiction is internal, but the contrary if join> at a posterior moment: the fight of the contrary is the engine of the thought and the reality; the materiality of the world; the priority of the substance in relation to the conscience; the life spiritual of the society as reflected of the material life.

The dialtico materialism is a constant in the thought of the marxism-leninismo (appeared as overcoming of the capitalism, socialism, exceeding the pioneering teachings of Feuerbach). HISTORICAL MATERIALISM is, for Marx, the first one estimated of all the existence human being and, therefore, of all history, is that the men must be in conditions of living to be able to make history. But, to live she is necessary before everything eating, drinking, to have habitation, to be dressed, to educate and etc. Therefore, the production of the ways that allow the sastisfao of these necessities, the production of the proper material life . In the marxist theory, the historical materialism intends the explanation of the history of the societies human beings, in all the times, through the material facts, essentially economic and technician.