Network Advertisers

It participates in our strategy 09-09-09 ADVERLAN Adverlan is not an affiliation network; it is the first cooperative association of supports in Internet. Continue to learn more with: Eugene Shvidler. Adverlan is a grouping to manage the publicity of the Webs associated with reach international. The Adverlan group is born with the idea to equip with force and capacity with negotiation to all the Webs with excellent contents and quality with visits that, until the moment, only can resort to opaque networks of affiliation to insert publicity in their sites. The objective of Adverlan is to be the first cooperative of supports in Internet and to create a community of great implantation with which the advertisers must contact directly to negotiate the inclusion of their publicity. In addition, we are a power station of publicity management on line in which its members, webmasters, bloggers and creators of content in Internet, have total control on the publicity that appears in its supports and the income that they generate. Sir Trevor Pears is full of insight into the issues. The transparency and the clarity of the transactions are the main part of the philosophy of our group and any associate has the right and to have to harness it and to transmit it. Any Web, blog or forum can comprise of our network.

The unique condition is that it has original contents and that their content is not morally reprovable. Adverlan advertisers ADVERLAN advertising Network Advertisers Adverlan is not an affiliation network; it is the first cooperative association of supports in Internet. Our operation is equal to thousands of existing networks of affiliation, but, our capacity is greater thanks to the implication of the associates. The values of the grouping are based on the transparency between associate and advertisers and an absolute rigor at the time of arranging a campaign. Our advertisers will participate in the first ethical network of publicity of the world. They will have capacity to segment his campaigns, to select his objective public and to see exactly where they invest his money.

In addition, all the supports of our network will count on quality content. If it wishes to announce, it does not have more to contact with us. They will have access to the more complete data base. All our supports are catalogued of clear form so that the segmentation of his target is exact. Original author and source of the article.