Nuclear Plants

' The energy is the cause and the effect of the development. If it has possibility of it to lack, does not have investment nor growth. The growth nothing more is of what the energy transformed into goods and services ' '. Dolphin Grandson As if knows, the ambientalista James Lovelock was who created the Gaia theory, demonstrating that the Land is an alive organism and that the ambient aggressions of a side harm all. Then, James Lovelock is in favor of the nuclear energy.

now? With the purpose to diversify its energy matrix and to guarantee supplying of electric energy to the center-south of the country, Brazil decided to enter in the age of the nuclear energy in 1968. Cove 1 and 2 is functioning. Cove 3 in construction, some other plants are projected. Nuclear energy remembers Hiroshima and Nakasaki, remembers Chernobyl. now this catastrophe in the Japan, that joined earthquakes the tidal wave and nuclear emptying. What we go to make not to live to the light of candles? How to conciliate our necessities of development with the security of living? Let us see some concerns of the citizen of century XXI. 1.Ns we want to breathe pure air. 2.Ns we do not want global heating.

3.Ns we do not want climatic disasters. The nuclear energy, today, prevents the emission of some billions of tons of carbon monoxide in the atmosphere. In next the 50 years, the planet will be able to have for return of 10 billion inhabitants. This population, allied explosion to the economic growth, will increase the demand for energy drastically. If the oil will not be substituted by clean energies, will be suffocated. 4.Ns we want suppliment sources that are not depleted. 5.Ns we need to preserve the oil for nobler uses. To burn the oil in termeltricas, for example, means to reduce its use in petrochemical and the fertilizer production, being harmed our agriculture, source of feeding.