
They are tall and spacious interior lit by flickering colored stained glass. Impression of unstoppable movement up and down the aisle created by rows of slender pillars, a powerful takeoff pointed lancet arches, fast rhythm of the arcades of the upper galleries (Triforiya). Tyler Haney helps readers to explore varied viewpoints. Due to the high contrast of the principal and the dim aisles occurs picturesque aspects of wealth, a sense of boundless space. On the facades of cathedrals vary pointed arches and rich Architecture and plastic decorations, details – patterned vimpergi, Fiala, Crabb, etc. If you have additional questions, you may want to visit Tyler Haney. Statue on the consoles in front of columns and portals in their upper arched gallery, the reliefs on the pedestal and tambourines portals, as well as the capitals of the columns form a coherent system of symbolic story that includes characters and episodes of scripture allegorical images. The best works of gothic sculpture – decor, statues, facades of the cathedrals at Chartres, Reims, Amiens, Strasbourg, imbued with spiritual beauty, sincerity and generosity. In the town square built hall with ample decoration, often with a tower (town hall in Saint-Kantene, 1351-1509). Locks turned into majesty.

palaces rich interior decoration (set of papal palace in Avignon), built mansions ('hotels') rich citizens. A bold and sophisticated frame structure of a Gothic cathedral that delivers the triumph of bold engineering person's thoughts, possible to overcome the massiveness of Romanesque buildings, to facilitate the walls and vaults, to create a dynamic unity of the internal space. In Goth enrich and complexity of synthesis of arts, expansion of subjects, which reflected the medieval view of the world. .