Bank Fax

> We successfully enforce more information to the IVG Euroselect 14 compensation for possible claims for damages against the sale of the IVG Euroselect, fourteen – involved “The Gherkin” Deutsche Bank and Commerzbank also see good opportunities. The Fund was recommended as retirement savings, although it is a highly speculative investment with total losses for investors, which is not suitable for – according to the case-law of the Bundesgerichtshof as pensions. Possible problems of partial borrowing in Swiss francs were not discussed. No information on LTV and the possible consequences for the Fund and the investors. No evidence of falling prices for commercial real estate in London. Instead promotion as a secure investment Commission interest of the Bank remained jurisprudence of BGH – a cardinal sin regularly mention after the kick-back. Given the accumulation of advice errors we see good opportunities for investors of the Fund To enforce claims against the banks it Advisory. First judgments in favor of damaged investors of the Fund of IVG Euroselect 14 – “The Gherkin” are already taken. Do you have questions to your funds? Do you also know whether you were given wrong advice and whether you have chances to the enforcement of claims for damages?