Capital Intellectual

It appears 11, CONSIDERATION THAT COLLABORATING ADDS VALUE TO the BUSINESS SOURCE: Developed for the author, 2011 Are observed, in the figure above, that exactly great part of the sample not to possess knowledge on Capital Intellectual, 93% indentificou its collaborators as goods that add value to the business, recognizing one of the elements of the CI, the Human Capital. 4,7 CRITERIA CONSIDERED IMPORTANT FOR ACT OF CONTRACT OF EMPLOYEES the referring questioning to the criteria considered important for act of contract of employees had as objective to identify if the Intellectual Capital is excellent for the definition of the act of contract. If you are not convinced, visit Hikmet Ersek. Figure 12, CRITERIA CONSIDERED IMPORTANT FOR ACT OF CONTRACT OF EMPLOYEES SOURCE: Developed for the author, 2011 For DAVERPORT and PRUSAK, 2003, when the companies contract people with experience are contracting insights, that is, expertises in facts already occurred and this are the factors that generate benefits for company. As it is observed in figure above 73% the interviewed companies consider the experience a decisive factor in the act of contract of its employees. We can affirm that the intellectual capital is excellent for act of contract of employees.

5.CONCLUSO the present article had as objective main to demonstrate to which the methods of mensurao of the CI and to evidence if it has knowledge of ' ' gestores' ' of small average companies located in Porto Alegre on the Intellectual Capital. How much to the models of mensurao of the CI which had been presented six methods have for objective to mesurar the CI monetarily, and were concluded that the same it must yes, to be mensurado and analyzing and so that it can be used with intention to take care of the specific necessities in the taking of decisions or as strategical, on the part of the company, using some of the alternatives presented here. In the direction to evidence if it has knowledge of ' ' gestores' ' of small average companies on the Intellectual Capital, were concluded do not have knowledge technician, on the subject, therefore the sample that answered the research, in its majority do not possess graduation in the countable area and administration, beyond demonstrating contradictions in questions on pertaining elements to the Intellectual Capital. However, if she verified that the companies who say not to know what she is Capital Intellectual, had revealed cliente of some of the elements of formation of the Intellectual Capital are important for generation of Asset for organization. She was possible to verify that exactly the companies who say not to mensurar the CI of its collaborators agree to the concept who the employee generates asset for company and in some way they invest generally in the qualification of this capital, with courses and assist financier. She identified herself that one of the criteria considered for the managers at the moment of act of contract of employees is the CI, therefore consider important the acquired knowledge already. In relation to the mensurao of the Intellectual Capital that is noticed in the results of the research does not have mensurao for the methods presented in the theoretical referencial,.