Capitalist Context

The capitalist context takes the world-wide population to run against the time and consequently to get the best indices with the profit, using mainly of the workmanship hand, that is, the physical effort and intellectual human being. The parallel can be related with olmpicos athletes whom searchs the medals with much sweat running against the time, either in one test of resistance or speed. Both examples hatching with the technological one, either in the industrial robotics or sophisticated academies, what it prevails is a human performance of the effort, devotion in the planning of the goals. The worker who handles a machine in a multinational company is in Brazil, or some country of ‘ ‘ Asitico’ tigers; ‘ on the globalization, gets the same instructions to operate is machine. The interesting one is the divergence of rewards, that is, the wage of that dedicates its time for the functions, compared to a olmpico athlete its production of effort makes of its merit the victory, already the worker of the machine, consequently makes of its intellectual or physical effort the increase of the world-wide production and the unemployment of many for the planet.

Then, the time is importantssimo, but to plan is necessary. Word-key: Time; Planning; Goals. 1. INTRODUO time has that to be analyzed and to be divided to get a good planning, from this argument the obvious one will happen of form sucinta, what brings certain divergence is as to plan inside of a school, where the time is preset and with other social problems in the pertaining to school community. Either for parents, pupils, professors and managers, all they clamam due to time, being that the solution is in the planning, to have a good planning must have a good strategy, carrying through the longed for one.