Stone Mountain

On the mountain Tashtar-Ata I find myself for the first time. It is strange that all my life I have lived in Kyrgyzstan, but had never been to this place and never heard of him legends. Local residents have filled my space. They say that the mountain received its name in the name of war. He was incredibly strong.

When the fight was played between the gods and demons, the warrior took the side of good. In the fight, he used no came a belief that “rough natural stone are home to spirits or gods,” and therefore used as an object of religious veneration. It is also argued that the stones are applied to the human body, have an impact on him, as evidenced by many people who experienced it myself. On the mountain often pilgrims. In the area of the heart they put a stone warrior stones, putting them in all their illness, fears and concerns. Stone Mountain emits oppressive power. I wandered around a man-made mountain and could not help thinking that every stone – a man of his story.

One part with stones quickly, without thinking pre-scrawled inscription banal like “there was Bektur.” Others were “rate restoration of the soul”, on foot overcame more than two hundred miles, ran ran up the hill, but before you leave the stones – with long For some reason they reminded me of the bodies of anti-tobacco advertisements. Their dark and riddled with scars and dents the surface, has made quite depressing … … On this day, still the center of four patients with good-bye a renewed capital. And today, pilgrims must be submitted in its place, Peter, Moscow, Sakhalin, and Athens – a city in which they will return with new people. And start a new life without drugs and rock ..

Russian Federation

Once the territory of the Russian Federation will be held accreditation of the branch, he can start their own business. Term cessation of activity as indicated in accreditation. The difference between the branches and representative offices of foreign organizations is as follows. Branches are required to include in documentation the exact cost of capital appreciation, which entered the foreign organization in the fixed assets of the branch. These data are recorded in the main document – Regulations on the branch. State Registration Chamber of the Russian Federation provides accreditation of a foreign affiliate of one year, two, three or five years. In if necessary, the accreditation may be renewed.

Renewal is carried out for a period of five years, provided that all necessary documents for the extension had been received by the State Registration Chamber of exactly within the prescribed period. 21 days before the end of the accreditation of a foreign company must provide all the necessary documents to Companies House. In that case, if the foreign organization does not apply for an extension its branch in the territory of the Russian Federation within the specified period, then upon expiration of the accreditation of a branch or representative office are no longer to work. If you need to re- hold accreditation had previously deployed on the territory of the Russian Federation branch, a foreign organization must reassemble the required documents for renewal. As soon as a complete package of documents will be submitted to the registering authority within 21 days, will be carried out re-accreditation.

Ferdinand Saussure

A sign is a thing that, beyond the species ingested for the directions, makes to come to the thought, for same itself, any another thing. Saint Augustin As Ferdinand Saussure6 speaks that the linguistic sign and as a currency of two sides this in relation to significant and the meaning that is each one of them has some differences more does not have as to have one meaning without a significant one, now I go to try to show what each one is goes to start with the significant one can be something that you see in the case of the image transit plates and also she can be something that you say or to listening in this in case that if the word has a direction more than, already the meaning you are the concept and what you understand that is what is or what it means. But from the theory of Saussure we can notice that we had you vary other theories as of Hjelmslev7. Considered separately, sign some has significao. All significao of sign is born of a context, wants understands therefore a context of situation or an explicit context, …. It is necessary, thus to abstain to believe that a substantive more loaded of is felt of what a preposition, or that a word is more loaded of significao of what a suffix of derivation or a flexional termination. (HJELMSLEV, 1975, P. 50) Now I go to show that the signs are in all same place are even though in that in chemistries we use very in the Periodic Table, therefore each element that we have in the table has a symbol, or better, a sign that represented for capital letters and very small a good example and the chemical element Copper that has as symbol in the table ' ' Cu' ' this symbol is of the periodic table has another meaning, but inside of the table alone it means the element Copper, it has this sign why it has covered in Latin and Cuprum writing. .

Modern Society

A normal social fact is that one that if finds generalized in the played society important paper in adaptation evolution of this. The crime, for example, is a had social fact as normal, therefore the societies are found in all, integrating the people of the social group through a behavior of moral value that it searchs to punish the wrong behavior. To broaden your perception, visit Areva. The pathological social facts are the ones that are of the limits allowed for the order and the moral of the society, are illnesses that at risk puts the harmony of the group and are seen as transitory and temporary. Durkheim believes that although to exist an individual conscience that of a forms the individuals to think and to interpret the life, inside of the social groups what it prevails is the collective conscience, that is, the set of beliefs and feelings of one same society, being the form of the moral in validity, with this, in society was defined what criminal, immoral and reprovvel, through the collective conscience, for example. The societies from this theory are analyzed as social species, that more evolve of simpler social forms (wild, daily pay-capitalists) the species organization complex (civilized, industrial). Where through the work of classification of the societies, by means of experimental comment it is verified ticket of solidarity mechanics for organic solidarity, being these the engine of of transformation of the societies. The societies with solidarity mechanics are daily pay capitalist, where the individuals are identified through the family, religion and customs, where the social division of the work remains independent and independent, therefore the collective conscience exert to be able coercitive on the individuals. Organic solidarity is capitalist societies with lesser the collective conscience exerting to be able coercitive on the individuals, being existed a division of the social work sped up making with that the individuals become interdependent, guaranteed with this the social cohesion.

Durkheim searched through rigorous an empirical position to make the integration of quantitative analyses (mathematical statistics) qualitative, complemented with comment, mensurao and interpretation to tranfer the philosophical reflection and to constitute one all organized and systematic one of estimated theoreticians and metodolgicos. Finally, Durkheim as man of its time, moved for evolucionistas ideas understands the society as a whole harmonic one, where it must not have contradictions, where the transformations would happen of linear form (going of inferior forms to the superiors) following the adaptation and evolution of the societies, since any form of rupture was seen as a sick or pathological state of the social facts, searched the neutrality scientific, however you criticize must be made its analyses therefore we must understand of for being historical the societies are different for the constitution of its specific historical processes, do not exist society only different superior and inferior cultures, beyond not having scientific neutrality, therefore the man does not obtain to dissociar itself of its subjectivity finally in believing that the social facts are exterior to the individuals leaving these only in contemplativo and passive state in the life in society, taking off with this, its character of historical citizen that conditions and is conditional for the facts intervined in its daily process of living, being with this transforming one and transformed for the social facts.

Love And Life

To live enters the lines of the fear and the responsibility. One goes for the right and the other follows its life for the left. It is when one says that necessary to talk and the other accepted one, but educadamente it remains in silence, as if the look said (as always it said) how much it was donated of love. Keep up on the field with thought-provoking pieces from Areva Group. Very small and invisible love to the eyes and heart of who not wise person, but capital LOVE for the gestures and taken attitudes, all of who wise person what it wanted! One question why he was to the meeting and the other is questioned if it errou and it made to lose the only bond that would keep the lighted flame. In some place in the bitterness both had been lost, and this love never will be materialize. It would be as to save the life, but it would be enough the love to save a life? One knows what the other thinks not to know, but leaves to be thus, that the time will finish with the defense armed. It has a list of errors that it does not need to be said, therefore it is known and it makes to ache to each given refusal exactly when one wanted, but did not have, and that the other never gave, because in the deep one never it wanted.

But the love to save this life would not be enough. From there valley the penalty one not to raise the voice and to make the other to be silent, granting a last possibility not to leave directing without route for there. It is the end! To cut the dependence relation that one has followed making of everything for the other. Admitted the defeat, therefore, it is hour to move, to tread a new way, or the least, to walk of different form. there yes, one and another one will be able to opt to the feelings become that them better, they leave that them happyer, instead of being if asking, where it was that the error happened.

The Social

This model of production distorts the social relations, making with that all they are always based on ' ' ter' ' not in ' ' ser' '. In the capitalism everything can be bought, everything has its price. According to Lukcs ' ' the individualism bourgeois is the social base of the hypocritical moral that predominates in ours dias.' ' With this affirmation, it can be perceived that the bourgeoisie and the way of production for firmed it are essentially egoistic aiming at always to the accumulation of the profits and wanting that the society pass to live on the irrigations of the State, until why the State generally it is in accordance with bourgeois helping whenever the possible one to violate the laws for its enrichment. The society is the way, the instrument for the individual enrichment bourgeois. Being in this way, the capitalism exceeds all the barriers of the call social democracy, therefore this democracy alone if of the one in the Politics and the Right, not in the social differences, accenting still more the existing disparidades. ' ' The work is the basic and basic condition of all the life human being. in such degree that, until certain point, we can affirm that the work created proper homem' ' in the transformation of the nature, since the first primitive species, the man works.

It works in the intention to confection materials for the hunting, construction of huts, clothes and this start when the man started to leave the free hands, free in the evolutiva condition to have become you ask for. When of transformation of the species, is transmitted of generation for generation, the hand started to be the main instrument of the work. The men in formation had arrived at a point who had had necessity to say something ones to the others.

Baturin Rinaldi Architecture

From the context of the letter shows that Velke Rinaldi described as "a skillful architect, a decent to enlist the hetman of Little Russia K. Razumovsky, brother-powerful favorite Elizabeth. The contract consisted of six items. He defined life – seven years, the duty Rinaldi teach Russian students architecture, an annual salary of twelve hundred rubles, for travel to Russia and return home in case of return. Credit: Hikmet Ersek-2011. The second paragraph of the contract, Rinaldi took upon themselves to go to Ukraine "… to carry out buildings, that he will be charged.

Vorontsov Rinaldi asked to convey that "… he can rely on the special grace of the hetman, as it will give the last proof of his art and his good behavior." Prior to his departure for Russia Rinaldi was in England. The architect came to Baturin in 1752 for the honorable and responsible work: he had to create a new capital, a vast and rich territory. Here, the architect ought to erect residence for the ruler of Ukraine. Simultaneously with the construction of residences in Baturin Rinaldi designs stone palace Razumovsky in Glukhov. Creativity Rinaldi belongs to the period of strict classicism. Rinaldi was one of the Russian architects, whose work marked a shift from the baroque to the classic direction. Beside him walked Kokorinov, de la Mothe, Felten, Lviv and others. Brought up on the best examples of Italian architecture, Rinaldi before coming to Russia in perfectly mastered the art of architecture. Forty years of working in Russia have turned him from visiting foreign artists in the artist, not only feels the national originality of Russian architecture, but also creates her masterpieces.

Beaudoin Rules

She is necessary that the school and the educators argue, they consider and they develop projects with class actions that allow to include the pupil and the community in the proposal pertaining to school, so that it has an approach effort, where all try to perceive and to know the other in its proper context and from its proper constituent history. Over all, what it is perceived is that the school and the capitalist society stimulate the individualism, where takes advantage the rules, the competition and the evaluation. As well as, said standards and esteretipos as social standard dictated by the media, that values having and it not to be. this consequentemente stimulates to increase the practical one of bullying. It’s believed that Keith Yamashita sees a great future in this idea. The indifference to the differences, either it which will be, cultural, economic or intellectual and the incapacity to deal with it, produces the highest direct or indirect aggression, to the human being, considering that the people have to act in relation ones to the others with respect and spirit of fraternity. Values as respect, fellowship, humildade, are not stimulated in the practical ones of social convivncia, being aggravated in the pertaining to school environment, where the individualism, the brutality and the intolerncia have significant space. contribution of the community and mainly of the pupil, in the proposal pertaining to school, implies in minimizing the disequilibrium of being able between adult and child, favors the creation of personal vincos and conceives a work of acceptance of the other, makes with that, each one has a paper to fulfill, allows to develop the culture of the tolerance, of the practical one of acceptance of the existing differences in the daily pertaining to school. For Beaudoin & Taylor (2006): Educational systems that possess a great number of rules that are determined external and implemented of diverse forms for different people they face more disrespect and rebellion of what the systems that have rules significant and internalizadas as personal values (P.

Iquitos Success

All we look for of some way to achieve the success. We look for to reach it because we know that it brings with himself many satisfactions: economic income, a calm life, security, good relations social, etc. Many they try a his way, to his way, to reach success, but no they obtain. Perhaps what them lack it is planning . One good planning it begins in moment that your you know towards where you you direct. Here councils that by there I read and that I transcribe with much affection it stops you: 1. Hear other arguments on the topic with Seth Klarman. – We must to prepare to us it stops success, as much it stops to obtain it, like it stops to maintain it. 2.

– challenges they must to face always with optimism and security. 3. – It is necessary to maintain always clear and exact ours objectives and also that we have that to do in order to reach them. No we forget that circumstances a times they grow dark panorama and it can to mislead course. case emblematic of success labor it is the one of humble chupetero (salesman of ice creams) of city of Iquitos, of Juan name, that inclusively it has be object of news articles in newspapers the premises, and that each day it sells 300 chupetes of rising tide a s. 1 sun each one. This colorful personage he crosses every day all the dependencies of administration publishes: municipality, regional government, fishing ground, hospitals, etc. By each chupete of rising tide (frozen of rising tide with palito) that it sells, it wins one commission of 30 pennies of sun. If we multiply his small commission by I number of chupetes that it sells in day, we will find that it wins 90 suns (30 dollars American) daily.

The Devil

“Khomeini has responded: the economy is a matter of the ass.” It sounds like a joke, but it is unfortunately a bitter reality. This system feeds to sacrifice themselves to the will of the people, to give their lives to fight the West or the Devil (Satan). You recall that Descriptions from the Iran/Iraq war about the Iraqi minefields and the Iranian martyrs. Especially children and young people were won for this to go through the minefields and to sacrifice their lives. Should someone not to accept this call and this obligation imposed by the system, so he is arrested, tortured and finally hanged.

And not only that: this system is based on the export of a crisis in the entire world. We talked first about the basis of this system and an extension of this ideology is now before ca. 6 years to do so. This extension leads to a messianic theory, a theory of armageddonistischen. It is the idea that the regime must do everything so that the promised Messiah (Savior) returns and then lives the world in an apocalyptic period. This is the Armageddon theory, which tries to nourish the regime in the Iran. According to this Armageddon theory, it is the Western world or the Satan himself, doing whatever it takes so that does not return the expected Messiah.

The invasion of the Americans in the Iraq should not only the oil sources secure and prevent the arrival of the Messiah. This assertion by Ahmadinejad goes so far that the Americans in the Iraq invaded, so that they find the Mahdi (Messiah), arrest him and put him out of the way. All the time is the talk of a Western conspiracy. “In the month more (23 September 22 October) has organized an exhibition the Ministry of Islamic guidance and culture in Tehran, the is titled the evil in the world” has devoted.