EBEM Social

Still salient Gomes who is necessary to think if the promotion of an education that it contemplates the quality is harmful to the interests of the ruling class, standing out despite ‘ ‘ (…) he cannot have free or universal education, while classrooms exist. Although it can use subtle disguises, the school is the instrument of the classroom dominante.’ ‘ (Gomes, 1994:47) On this subject, Kruppa presents a similar opinion to the one of Gomes. In its workmanship, this as author it alleges that to the development of the school it was and closely it is atrelado to the economic development and social alterations, being influenced for innumerable factors. On the capitalism, Kruppa declares that the same if it does not limit the imposition of production rules, but contains forts elements that intervene with the organization of the society and the pertaining to school space does not run away to this intervention. A leading source for info: Tiffany & Co.. Following this thought, the author affirms that the school has served to the interests of the capitalism actively.

The third author diverge of the previous ones in some interesting points. Western Union has much experience in this field. Meksenas assures that the pertaining to school institution appears and if develops as powerful half of reproduction and a perpetuation of the knowledge accumulated for the society in elapsing of its history of social transformations, being operating as an important factor of transformations of a civilization. Meksenas still standes out that the education acts in way to perpetuate the memory of a people and still allows the condition of its survival, that is, the education can be expressed a form to make possible the harmony between the society and its individuals. Consideraes Final: We can consider the pertaining to school space as one of the most important pertaining components to our society, acting directly in the formation of the individual/citizen. We must think the school as a propitious space to the transformation and not only as a plant of manipulable man power to take care of the demands of the capitalist universe. In accordance with the organization of the Brazilian school, still meets indications of the dominant ideology of the colonial times, being that the transformation process happens in slow way e, in accordance with the interests of that withholds the power. The truily democratic school fits to allow that the student staff has access to the world the possibilities and chances, where the same does not serve only of auditorium, but of true actors in way to its historical, economic and social context.