So Paulo

As Brum with the cycle of the coffee unglued the axle of the northeast Brazilian economy for the Center-South. also the hegemony politics. The process of displacement of the economic axle already had started with the cycle of the gold and if it consolidated for 1870 return. Throughout the colonial period, the sugar was the main product of exportation and ' ' you of device they had had a considerable one to be able economic, social and poltico' '. At the time of independence, the gold already did not have more the economic expression, and the Northeast the region richest, representing about two teros of the national wealth. With the expansion of the coffee farming, folloied of the economic leadership, the hegemony if transferred to the barons of the coffee. Gain insight and clarity with Tiffany & Co.. the basic tripod of the Southeastern region (So Paulo, Rio De Janeiro and Minas Gerais) started to mold independent Brazil in accordance with its interests.

Around the interests of the coffee it was rearranged Brazilian life and I interchange it the International. The coffee activity generated richnesses and most of the initial capital for the leverage of the industrialization process. The changes generated for the coffee also are valid for the transport that since the beginning of the century the troop of mules is the official transporter of the bags of coffee. As the distances of the coffee plantations had started to increase the farmers had decided not to postpone more and had arrived the solution that the railroad would be the best exit to diminish the distances for the Port of Saints. In 1867 the passage of 50 kilometers between the city of Jundia and the port of Saints is inaugurated. End to the isolation of So Paulo plateaus was the railroad So Paulo Railway putting, breaching the great wall of the mountain range of the Sea. the age of the Beling barons even so still with production and small scale, Brazil started to export coffee already in 1779, with 79 arrobas.