Mandela Speech

The capitalism, the church, the state and the yearnings of a people are voices that sound in its discursivo environment, each one with a different direction, such as, to be able, values and coercions. Mandela does not judge that its people better. It displays the idea of an equal government for all. Recognizing in ' ' outro' ' (people) the citizens of its speech, it use the interaction notion as condition for the construction of a better native land. According to Bakhtin (2004, P. 113), ' ' … the word is the common territory of the speaker and interlocutor' '. The speech is not only information transmission, but yes direction effect between speaker and interlocutor.

The citizen uses the word as a species of mediation between it and the people, facilitating the understanding of its ideas. The politician, before pronouncing its speech, starts to know its publishes. This facilitates the effect of sensible that the speech can cause. According to Orlandi (2002, P. 43), ' ' the directions always are determined ideologically. It has not felt that it is not. Everything that we say has, therefore an ideological trace in relation to other traces ideolgicos' '.

Thus, the direction of the speech if of the one through a sequence of factors, the social situation of the citizen where discursiva formation it enrolls itself, the place of where the speech goes to be pronounced I publish and it white. In the affirmation ' ' It does not have nothing of brilliant in shrinking itself so that the other people do not feel themselves unsafe around voc' '. (MANDELA 10 OF MARCH OF 1994). Conscientious Mandela that the public of this speech is marked by some social factors e, as any politician, wants to earn approval of the people, makes critical to its predecessors in the power without provoking offences, disarming the aggression.