Great Japan

That defendant of ' ' fifth-colunismo' ' (espionage) and considered ' ' criminals polticos' ' they were sent for the House of Detention in the So Paulo capital, where they waited judgment. Exactly thus, the majority of the immigrants Japanese under constant monitoring gave to continuity its lives, creating forms of ' ' adaptao' ' to the new context of privations that they were living deeply. Some immigrants had expressed those difficult moments of poetical form, were the case of the Kikuji Iwanami (agriculturist and poet), that she had many of its poems in Japanese language confiscated and burnt in the period and that knew in the form of tanka, to express the lived deeply difficulty and the anguish in the jail: ' ' It is so unjust Axle and allies had been words that I learned when already I was in priso' ' All this climate of apprehension, discrimination and, mainly, disinformation contributed so that it was strengthened between the Japanese immigrants and many of its descendants, the feeling of Yamato Damashii, or Japanese Spirit. Union, nationalism, patriotism if became the conducting wire of the hope of the Japanese military victory in the war and come back From there to the Nihon (the Great Japan). 2.' ' Death to the fifth-column! ' ' : Discrimination and repression to Japanese during the years of war Several are relative histories to the privations, discrimination and violence lived deeply for the Japanese community during the years of war in Brazil. Most associates to the context politician, but also the xenophobia and the ignorance on the part of the population and the Brazilian authorities with regard to aspects associates to the culture and the customs of the Japanese immigrants consolidated here. To the eyes of many Brazilians all ' ' amarelos' ' they were equal. In the center of So Paulo, in the Av.

Rio De Janeiro

They had made it bohemian. (…) Burburinho of the city, the rebulio of the streets it is pleasant, because he is young, because it feels. All like ouviz it. It has the voice burning hot, even so always satirical drunkard and. It starts the first assays in the literary press, with love and much devotion. He is friend whom it knows to please to it knows that it, with afabilidade (…).

In the following edition it leaves the verdict: the profile is john doe. In this case of ' ' young man elegante' ' , one notinha tells that during the Congress Literrio and Bohemio of February of 1895, they had given ' ' votos' ' to survey the general opinion: Despertou some interest the profile published in ours n. 2. They said ones: It is the profile of the Temstocles de Aguiar, others: Qualities of Fbio Silva. In the Literary Congress they had made until a plebiscite in this direction and was this the result: Temstocles de Aguiar, 8 votes; Fbio It hisses, 6 votes; Fernando Griz, 5 votes; Fenelon Fields, 5 votes; Joo Oak, 2 votes. These and others ' ' estripulias' ' of ' ' Heroes of the poca' ' they can be known in the autobiogrfica workmanship of Fernando Griz. The book Dreams and Fights.

A register of the bohemian of half of years 1890, written in ' ' atormentado' ' 1917 and only published in 1924. According to author, written to oppose the hurt feeling and person without illusions of those old and good hopes, defeated for the auto-exile in Recife, ' ' war of all against todos' ' for the capitalist mesquinhez that if followed after the turn of the century. Therefore, nothing better of what remembering to the naivety and the destemor of the first stopped fights ' ' to the side of youngsters who loved the instruction, the freedom and the duel in the enclosure for bullfighting of letras' ' , leaving clear the filiation of the writer you strike to them suffered for Generation 1870. May, 2010. REFERENCES: BOURDIEU, Pierre (1974). The economy of the symbolic exchanges. So Paulo: Perspective. CERTEAU, Michel of (1994). The Invention of the Daily one (Arts to make). 11 ed. Petrpolis-RIO DE JANEIRO: Ed. Voices. DARNTON, Robert (1987). Literary bohemian and Revolution. The Submundo of the Letters in the Old Regimen. So Paulo: Company of the Letters. ELIAS, Norbert; SCOTSON, John L. (2000). Established and outsiders: sociology of the relations of being able from a small community. Rio De Janeiro: Jorge Zahar. GRIZ, Fernando. (1924) Dreams and Fights. Recife: The Industrial press. RAMA, Angel (1988). The City Scholar. So Paulo: Brasiliense. KINGS, Jose Carlos (2004). School of the Annales: the historical innovation. So Paulo: Peace and Land. SEVCENKO, Nicholas (2003). Literature as Mission: social tensions and cultural creation in the First Republic. So Paulo: Brasiliense. SSSEKIND, Flora (1987). Cinematograph of the Letters: Literature, Technique and Modernization in Brazil. So Paulo: Company of the Letters. VELLOSO, Mnica Pepper (2006). A Verbal Folhetinista: Representations and dramatizaes of the intellectual life in the turn of century XIX. In: LOPES, Antonio Herculano; VELLOSO, Mnica Pepper; PESAVENTO, Sandra Jatahy. History and Language. Text, Image, Orality and Representations. Rio De Janeiro: 7 Letters.

Martins Sources

Analles looks for to understand the temporality in sub? extract, therefore searchs behind the fact that is the tip to evaluate the processes that had taken the definitive event, analyzing that the fact in itself has one short duration, however the process that unchained the fact possesss a long duration that to the few emerged in the event in instantaneous itself, thus considering to reconstruct history evaluating the historical context of the period and reconstructed – lo of clear and verdica form giving felt and cohesion to the facts, without producing a history of cause and effect. With the aid of sciences auxiliary it considers that if it does not make only factual a economicista history that understands the mentalities, a psico history – social, however when it is used of the psychology it must – to remember that this area of the mental science that of only the particular diagnosis of the individual and if cannot thus analyze a complex society only for an individual and delimit the actions of the others for this particular diagnosis and transform – lo in universal with this if developed one another aspect that makes possible for history the nexus between factual history, history mental partner that it passes to be the historical anthropology, that is, through the anthropology that if it defines as disciplines that it studies culture of determines society and that it will go to make possible to understand the events in its in such a way mental structures and the thought shared for the individuals and correlating with the values, symbols and the meanings that each estruturantes event and its processes reflect in the culture of the society, and thus interpreting the symbolic codes, appraising with the objective to reconstruct history that understands the directions of the historical process the event and its structures in its historicidade. BIBLIOGRAPHICAL REFERENCE: It reads Goff, Jacques, new history. Under the direction Roger Chantier, Jacques Revil. Translation Eduardo Brando. 5 ed. So Paulo: Martins Sources, 32-84.

The History Of Taxi

It is difficult to imagine life without a taxi on the streets of almost any city in the world, sometimes this type of transport is a landmark in a particular city. But in addition to jewelry, it's hard to imagine how you can quickly to get to your destination, if late, except for taxis. A history began this form of transport for hundreds of years ago. In the 18th century, a French entrepreneur set up his inn horse-drawn carriages, which was near the chapel "Fiacre", which gave the first name of the horse-drawn cab – "fiacres." They were the first crews available to ordinary citizens, to the time the coach was only the wealthy nobles and landlords. In 1896, began to incarnate in the life of the first attempts to mechanize the crews, because fans of new technical devices, felt that motorized taxis will be a lot more to face the "capital of peace" rather than horse-drawn carriages. Then there were the stripped of all superfluous to the "cab" was installed behind a gasoline engine, front wheel and levers to control, but then problems arose, nobody knew how to pay for a trip fares, which always led to disputes between driver and passenger. In 1905 this was changed with the creation of a meter, from which came the name "taxi" or "Taxi." A little later, the company "Renault" launched its first car, which is fully intended for use as a taxi and was equipped with taximeter. They also painted in a bright color, usually red or green, that makes them stand out from the stream of black vehicles. .


The cycle of the gold is initiated then and with it the fever of the gold, that mainly influenced a migration for the interior of the Generalities provoking a grandedespovoamento in the first colonial nuclei and in the dasprovncias capitals of the hinterland northeastern and the sugar coast, in few years regiesdesertas if they had transformed into more densely populated area of the Amricasconcentrando about 300 a thousand inhabitants for 1750 return. With this bigger movement and the withdrawal of the gold, and atmesmo for the supplying of these regions a way of transport was necessary, knows then that in this period the ways of transport were not part dapauta of the colonizadores, therefore, the first commercial nuclei and extraviastesestavam intent in places of easy access, generally next to litorale to the exportation ports, initially to decide the problem in transportefoi used the desumano and rudimentary in such a way denegros use of enslaved man power as of indians, thus valuing the cost of these slaves and enriquecendotanto the person who trades slaveses how much the natives of So Paulo that they made I traffic of the blacks of the land,that is the indians, and the enriched slaves were obliged to load of everything desdedonzelas until among others material ingots of iron. With ocrescimento of the mineradora activity, the human element (indian and black), noconseguiu, but to take care of the demand of transport imposed for the economy deexportao, a time that stops this end needed to be excused a grandequantidade of slaves, one for the work in the mines and others for otransporte this if it became impracticable due to the high price of the slave in the market. For the substitution of the slave in the transport, muares was given it to alternative of the empregodos, that they were found in the fields of the south and that during very tempohavia been ignored, the commercialization of muar then if it intensifies and agoraentra in this scene the figure of the tropeiros, that had been if becoming osnegociantes that they afluam gradual in the region they would substitute osbandeirantes.

Great House Industry

This study it was carried through in a great textile industry, installed in the Paraba, being overcome as base the process of wiring used for this industry. For the recital of the studies and evaluation of the found parameters, it used if as referencial analytical to the worked theories and the reality found in the studied company. It was concluded use of the cotton colorful as used technological innovation in the textile industry, is viable, having a good performance of the raw material and of the wire, however, so that this if materialize is necessary that the raw material has a low percentage of wastefulness, an average fiber length and a satisfactory resistance. After that, although the economic progress, of the modernization of the State, the accumulation of capital and the hand of workmanship to be wage-earning instead of slave, we find an unevenness in the life conditions in which the opulncias are for few and difficulties are of many. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT This constatao is not very different of the colonial period that Freyre presented in them, since, even so the men are in structurally different a social specter, still we find a contrast between wealth and poverty.

In the period of the last time of the Great House & Senzala, became one of the ways to detect the agreement of the essence of the preconception of years 70 of century XX. Being thus, we perceive that the employers of So Paulo could have preferences for old men or women, young or, migrantes or no-migrantes, white or black, its option can result in such a way of economic motivations or for social and racial preconceptions. The sociologist Gilbert Freire said in its book ' ' House-Great & Senzala' ' , the following one that: it is the integrated study of the sociocultural complex that if constructed in the humid forest zone of the coastal northeastern of Brazil, on the basis of the latifundium cultivation of sugar cane-of-sugar, in the enslaved force of work, almost exclusively black; in the religiosidade impregnated catholic of aboriginal beliefs and practical Africans; in the patriarcal domain Mr.