Farm Green Gold

Suddenly Salom started to feel forts pains, giving itself account of that entered in childbirth work. Exactly terrified, the outlaws had made the childbirth of the woman when perceiving that he did not have another choice; to keep it in those conditions, would probably only confuse them. Soon after the birth of the child, had heard to sound distant a buzzer sound. University of Houston has plenty of information regarding this issue. Fearing a new persecution, they had led I obtain the child, leaving Salom in the automobile fainted on the stuffed bank of stolen ballots. After to run away with the son from Salom, Olive and Roman had rambled for the streets of Rolndia until finding in security with a mysterious woman call Francine Desir received that them and directed the baby for a Company of adoption in France. ******* TIMES BEHIND By means of the Law n 02 of 10 of October of 1947, the State Government created the city of Arapongas, desmembrando it of Cavina and raising its headquarters the category of city. With the change, Cavina also was rebaptized with the name of Rolndia, adaptation of the original denomination ' ' Roland' ' adopted until the year of 1944, before 2 World-wide War.

In the same date, Catherine Mantovani gave light to a pretty girl who called Salom? the fourth son of the couple, after to have generated Luiza, Carolina and Mrcia to the side of the husband Fernando. Fernando Mantovani arrived the Arapongas for 1937 return, being one of the first ones to acquire a lot of lands in the city. Descendant of Frenchmen, the man possua a considered capital, with which he implanted the Farm Green Gold and he initiated the production of coffee in the region, changedding itself into one of the precursors of this segment in the city, culture that lasted during years. During infancy, Salom was a child as others, had its dreams and fancies. .

Dollar Women

JOSE EMANUEL AND THE MULATA OF PAINS OR THE FAVOURS He disembarked, come of Portugal, as the name already indicates: Jose Emanuel. He comes in rest search, in order to enjoy of the beauties other world sea. I begin it everything that had heard and read regarding Brazilian lands, reached the superlative. It was enchanted with the gentility, the smile, the good will, the nature and in special with the women. It had never found a mixture of so perfect. Sun, sea, food, tranquillity and women. Ah! As in Portugal the women they are one in such a way insonssas.

They do not have that healthy malevolncia that the Brazilian women have. The tourist visa did not worry to it. Account consulted the banking, to see it daily the relation of the Euro with the Real. To the times if it worried about the relation of the Euro and the Dollar. The property in Lisbon, inherited of the parents, provided a singular tranquillity to it.

It practically lived only to manage the locations. Something that took it certain time and with the aid of the Internet, was everything facilitated. was exactly through of the world-wide net, that chose Brazilian beaches. Made, remade calculations and ready. With the incomes of the rents it would give to live in Brazil and with much recess the point to allow the acquisition of property that was its specialty. For reason of precaution and with aid of some patricians it obtained to rent an apartment, is situated near the border of sea. Duly furnished and decorated, it was installed comfortably and with security. As he was not given the domestic culinrias chores, every day made its first meal, in the bakery of the patrician Joaquin Almeida, natural of Brings Mounts. Something that left the baker Joaquin ' ' p' ' of the expensive age to call it Portuga of ' ' trais of montes' '.