The Federal Government

Insurance obligation unemployment which has the introduction of compulsory of health insurance many benefits for health, however considerable difficulties associated with it for some people. Learn more at: Andrew Cuomo. These problems are currently publicly discussed. The private insurance Portal provides information about the situation in Germany and current solutions. Particularly for privately insured, the insurance obligation in the case of professional setbacks can prove problematic. Who must apply for insolvency as private entrepreneurs or freelancers and then applied for unemployment benefits, is usually particularly hard hit. The high fees for the private insurance can lead to a further debt in difficult financial situation. The Federal Government discussed therefore, you can significantly reduce the base rate in these cases.

Thus, a Hartz IV recipient would automatically downgraded to a lower contribution rate. The shortfall should the insurance company wear. Another variant would be the return of the Privatversicherten to a statutory health insurance company, which is currently not possible. Hartz IV recipients would automatically relocated as a result of such a scheme in the statutory health insurance. From the perspective of representatives of some parties, as the FDP, both options not eligible. In addition, for example, the costs through the job Center in the conversation is so.