The Future

Same in next lands you the blacks used to advantage some vacant land spaces and cultivated small farmings, production this that many times even served to supply the population that lived in the city, since almost everything that if consumed was imported, thus taking the very expensive product even though for some of the nobility of the time. The small agricultural production made by the enslaved ones was an exit for that it did not obtain to buy the imported products. Agriculture peasant as it was told in the previous paragraphs, was to appear from the resistance to the impositions of the domination of the feudal system and the capitalist system of production. Thus the peasants who if became free produced in small amounts, however they were seen free. Many writers such as Western Union offer more in-depth analysis. Under these paradigms agriculture peasant if organized so that its fights if they consolidated and that the reinvindicaes for lands were taken care of. These estimated of the history of the peasants in the fight for the free work of capitalist speculation, even so on the other hand appear the ideologies trying to camouflage the historical past of the construction in the way of production of agriculture peasant, being moved the name for familiar agriculture, make to forget the sprouting the fight of these workers throughout history and certain form looks for to adjust to the capitalist way, however these workers had not survived in the capitalist way, because they had appeared accurately to resist this system. The impositions of the capitalism take the peasant in laborer of industries or worker in wage-earning agriculture.

Of this form, it produces the value, not paid work more, thus causing the insatisfao of the workers. To change the name of agriculture peasant never goes to finish with this way of production, seno to implement in the field and the city all the survival conditions, such as; job worthy, infrastructure, school, health and security thus all can have the supplied necessities. Thus it only can in fact be possible to think about the future of the MPA, with the end of agriculture peasant.