Gerao Hydroelectric

Outrofator that must be taken in account is that the energy generated in the centraishidreltricas can be considered clean, that is, in the generation process noso emitted polluting agents in the hdricos bodies and the atmosphere. Entretantouma analysis more careful sample that this form of generation involves one impactoprofundo in the natural environment where is inserted. This impact englobafauna, flora and the man as well as its interactions, and if extends many times, beyond the delivery of the plant for operation. 2 – Ambient and Social impacts dGerao Hydroelectric plant the process of approval of a plant hydroelectric plant next to the rgoscompetentes is complex, slow and generally conflicting in what spartes directly says interested or affected respect. The economic interests make umesforo extraordinary to get the licenses, of form to hurry inciodas workmanships, but some impediments finish if presenting.

This confusion of agencies of the government, hearings you publish and population, finishes for deviating the attention of the real problems related to the impactosambientais. On the importance of these impacts et cites Caubet al: ' ' It occurs that to identify, to analyze, to characterize and to decide the problemasambientais a question became crucial' '. The first impact that if note is related with the construction daempresa arrival to the place of the workmanship and the assembly of the seedbed. The increase sbitoda population for the workers causes some problems as an addition naproduo of garbage and sanitary sewer, increase in the circulation of machines pesadasque damages the ways and modifies the characteristics of the local transit, growth of the urban violence, among others. The suppression of the native vegetation, for occupation of the area, is also a serious problem. On the other hand, it on account has umcrescimento of the economic activities of this increment regions populacionalem where many times do not exist nor electric energy. It also has the impactorelacionado one with the populations reached for the overflow of the properties, productive houses, areas and until entire cities.