Natural Resources

It has as line of direction the ordinance and control of the use of the ground, form to prevent degradation of the natural resources. It has a minimum set of common criteria and elements for these places that appear in practically all the models of urban planning, express in managing plans. An important element is the construction of platforms of sutentabilidade, monitored for pointers that will go to mensurar and to give the ways, stated periods and goals of excellency development. Platforms with clear and including politics of sanitation, it collects and garbage treatment; management of waters, with collection, treatment, economy and I reuse; transport systems that privilege the transport of masses with quality and security; actions that preserve and extend green areas and use of clean energies and you renewed; educational models that enable and value the educator; at last, transparent and shared public administration with the organized society. All city has that to have a good plan of adaptation to the climatic changes, mainly those you affect the extreme events.

Coastal cities must have planning against tidal waves and rise of the level of the oceans. Cities of the interiors must be worried about landslides in hillsides, floods, waves of heat and cold. At last, to have flexibility and adaptability to the new climatic requirements (physical earthquakes, volcanos and other elements), without congealing its structures. The things move quickly and the cities have that to have the resilience capacity. Great urban conglomerates had invaded and forcene the space of natural geography. In Rio De Janeiro and many great cities of the world, entire mounts had been busy for irregular and unsafe constructions. It has that if to redesign the urban growth of form to integrate it with natural geography, as to reactivate edges of rivers and to recoup ciliares bushes, so that the city if becomes arredia little and it does not receive a reply hostile from the natural environment.

It must be revitalized the centers of the great cities so that to become a space of pacific and comfortable convivncia. Local they are endowed with good infrastructure, little used and to the emptied times. The population is aging and becoming more mature and active. New the old one has physical vigor and intellectual, it works, it has mobility, it searchs and it practises quality of life. The formation and maintenance of lesser and self-contained quarters must consist of managing plans, to prevent the wild urban expansion in the territory. To give to priority to the adensamento and urban development in the interior of the constructed spaces, with the degraded recovery of ambientres. They are all great projects that demand vultosos resources that finish for creating generating activities of job, income and well-being but at the same time disequilibria in the inadequate use of the spaces. To search to live in the break-even point is the great challenge of concentraers human beings who desire the support, dreams in being green cities. This that is important!