Lobbying Tool

By: Oscar Rossignoli Publisher of The lobbying or lobbying (some use lobby) is the capacity to reach a specific change in a program or governmental project. Also it is the capacity to influence in an actor with great power of decision. The companies contribute to the authorities objective information that will sustain its decisions. This activity is very used to influence in the congresses or parliaments of the governments in the approval, emission, abolishing or reform of laws. In order to reach the previous thing a specific strategy is due to elaborate that allows to construct the prospective scenes that can appear around the subject in discussion, which they can be: One desirable, one catastrophic and another probable one. In each of them it is necessary to project the actions and positive feedbacks and negative that certain evolution of the subject would generate in each one of the key hearings. The lobbying can be simplified of the following way: A process in which the civil society through promoting its active participation, organized fortifies itself and planned, to affect the scope of the public, the total use of its human rights and constitutionalists.

That is to say, the lobbying implies to be able to participate in direct way in the design, the execution, the monitoring and the evaluation of the governmental programs or in the impulse of laws or regulations. For example, to lobby in the Congress to persuade to the body that it approves certain legislation, introduces changes in a law project or revokes laws that already appear in the codes, is a central part of the form of American government, but it is a process that often leave perplex the foreign governments, say experts in political sciences, journalists and the own lobbyists. The president can say that he wants that certain policy becomes law, but that does not happen unless it agrees a majority of each congresional camera.